Thursday, September 8, 2016


Icheoku says glad that the Crooked One finally agreed to step out of her hiding from the media cocoon to answer to some questions about her several misdeeds, especially the 33,000 bleach-washed missing emails, her judgments and of course why her longevity of over 30 years in politics have not accomplished all the things she is now promising to get done? Further, why didn't Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama do all these things she is now bandying around as her would constitute her task if elected? Hillary Clinton also admitted that her vote on Iraq and the war was a mistake and you wonder why she did not explain her "we came, we saw and he died" guffaw over the later murder of an innocent and changed Libyan Muommar Gaddafi? 

Anyway, the then presidential candidate Barack Obama was right that Hillary Clinton would say and do anything just to get elected; but this November 8, American people will vote to reject politics as usual. The American people will vote for change as the country definitely needs a new direction from this past eight years of knee jerk governance and voting Hillary Clinton will only be a continuation of the same failed Obama's wish-washy policies. Good enough, the verdict of this CNC forum is already out and Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton 63% to 37%. Icheoku says Go Trump; Vote Trump and help America get the right Commander in Chief with the right judgment call, who will think things through before sending our men and women into harms way. Vote Donald Trump and together help make America great again.

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