Friday, September 2, 2016


Icheoku says the crooked media is certainly covering for their Crooked Queen Hillary Clinton and not calling her out on so many things she has done or is doing wrong. From the apparent cover up in her email scandals in not pushing for her indictment, to her refusal to grant press conference in more than 276 days, to not visiting Milwaukee to felicitate with the city following the riots that took place there which destroyed so much, to not visiting Baton Rogue to commiserate with flood victims who were pummeled by a Noah's Ark flood of biblical proportion, to not honoring Mexican President Pena Nieto's invitation to put heads together over immigration problems toward finding comprehensive solution thereto. 

Icheoku says it is instructive to mention that Donald Trump did all these and very well too, such that he was rated excellent, especially with his visit to Mexico in honor of the invitation which was extended to both candidates. 

Icheoku does not know about any American out there who does not feel seriously violated by this in your face attitude of 'am better than anyone' of Crooked Hillary Clinton. How can someone who wants the American people to elect her president be this daft and unapologetically head-strong. Where is her recompense? Where is her contrition? Where is her effort to make amends and express her being truly sorry for all her infra-digs. Icheoku says American people must not allow her to get away with this and on November 8, must vote to reject her as president. 

This is the only language she will understand  - a clear message that such flagrant violations is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Away with Crooked Hillary Clinton. Go Trump; Vote Trump and together help America reposition itself and start fixing so many broken promises and other things both home and abroad. Hillary Clinton, she lies too much and cannot be trusted with the presidency of the United States of America or any other highly sensitive position, because according to FBI she is extremely reckless and no one needs an extremely reckless person in the White House. 

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