Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Icheoku says Jesus was damn right when he said he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones. Yes, as he stooped down and was scribbling on the ground, her accusers simply melted away and Jesus asked her to go and sin no more. Suddenly a Barack Obama who was nearly hounded out of contesting the United States of America presidency is now the one mouthing off as to who is qualified or not qualified to be president of America? Query, who made Barack Obama a judge, arbiter and decider in chief of who is fit to be American president? 

Icheoku says if Barack Obama, a Kenyan-American, born to a black African father and a Kansas white mother, whose born on America was initially doubtful and questionable, was fit for the presidency of America, how about a fully born in America Donald Trump, whose ancestry spells an all American boy?

The good news however is that no one is listening to what President Barack Obama has to say, especially regarding this election. He had eight long years to convincingly tell American people that he is good president for America and gets the back of Americans, but he woefully failed to deliver on this. A president of who is empathetic to Muslims and Islamism and who has repeatedly failed to forcefully condemn Islamist Muslim extremists terrorists; but instead continuously makes excuses for their wanton terrorist massacres. A president who hardly fiercely defend American values and cultures as well as their Judaeo/Christian religion. As far as Icheoku is concerned, President Barack Obama might as well pass for Islam and Muslim ambassador to America, a Muslim apologist, for crying out loud. 

The American people have begun their countdown to November 8, 2016 when they will pass a vote of no confidence on a very mean-spirited, divisive and probably the last minority president America will ever have due to his below par performance. 

A president who disappointed so many people who initially bought into his fabled hope an change, but who were left out in the cold holding the plate. A president who promised to unite Americans but succeeded in creating the widest chasm among race relations in recent American history. A president whose presidency saw so many African Americans killed more than any other time in recent history. A president whose presidency witnessed or rather supervised the decline of wealth among African Americans, with so many of them losing their homes, jobs and/or even their spouses due to economic hardship. An African American president who did not do much for African motherland and other black countries of this world including Haiti? A black American president whose presidency rewarded Cuba with normalizing relationship but could not do anything for Jamaica and other black countries of the Caribbean with immigrations policies as enjoyed by Cubans. 

Under his watch, black Caribbean people who touch land in Florida are still forcibly sent back to their home countries, unlike the Cubans have been enjoying touch land policy for a long time. A black president who could not rush military assistance to a black country Nigeria under pressure of Islamist Boko Haram terrorism. A president who stood by and watched as thousands of Nigerians were massacred by Boko Haram while refusing to sell Nigeria weapons and pressuring other countries from doing so. A president who busily engaged other continents, establishing favorable trading partnerships with them, but mostly ignored the African continent that sired him. A black president who in eight years has refused and has not visited the most populous black country, which holds more than 50% of the entire black population in the world. Icheoku says black people had no inheritance in this first black president of America and to their tents they have gone; they might as well have done without having one to begin with. 

Icheoku says who gave President Obama right to override the American constitution which provides for qualification for the office of the president and to now to choose to dictate who is qualified or fit for the office? A clearly spelt out qualification for president provision in Article 11, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution, which does not in any way negatively impact Donald Trump. A provision which states three conditions that must be met by such an aspiring candidate namely that the candidate must be a naturally born citizen of the United States of America; must be at leas thirty five years old and must have resided in the United States for the past fourteen years prior to his run for office. Icheoku says Donald Trump was born in the United States; Donald Trump is more than 35 years old and Donald Trump has lived in the United States for more than fourteen years. This makes  Donald Trump eminently qualified for office. 

Further, Donald Trump has never rebelled against the United States constitution either, hence Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment was never triggered. Donald Trump was never elected president nor twice, hence the Twentieth Amendment would not exclude him as unfit or ineligible to run for office again. The Senate did not impeach nor disqualify Donald Trump under Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7 of the constitution either. So query, what else was on the president's mind when he uttered those very offensive words that Donald Trump is unfit to be president? Icheoku says possibly the president is on a vengeance mission to take his pound of flesh from a man who had previously questioned his American citizenship - whether born in the USA birther controversy? President Obama wants to sideline the constitution in preference for his own opinion? 

A president who struggled to earn his validity is now telling American people that a bona fides American and successful businessman is unfit for the office of the presidency? This is a president who himself was given a benefit of the doubt and was elected president twice despite his initial birther doubts. Needless to add that President Obama's resume does not include a degree in psychiatry nor did he in any other way conduct a mental evaluation of Donald Trump's fitness for office to determine he is not fit. What a cry baby the president is, who is rather afraid that he might be sent to prison due to actions taken during his presidency under President Trump and is now trying to preempt it by stopping the man who will hold him to account. But come November 8, American people will have the final say, the last voice and they will overwhelmingly voice to elect Donald Trump, regardless of whatever Obama had to say regarding his fitness for office. 

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