Saturday, August 27, 2016


Icheoku says why then punish him for merely following in the footsteps of the Crooked One who is trying to occupy the highest office in the land? A woman who repeatedly lies and to the extent of lying to cover previous lies, is being protected while an olympic gold medalist, who misspoke or rather exaggerated as to the facts of what truly happened and have since apologized, is being hung, left to dry. 

Icheoku says where is the justiciability in singling out Ryan Lochte for not telling the truth about his encounter with some gun totting security officer in Brazil, while the Queen of lies, Madam untruth, from Bosnia to email-gate saga, is being cuddled and possibly nearing the presidency of America. Icheoku says is this a double standards that must not be allowed to continue as acceptable way of life in America where a Hillary Clinton is too big to face the same public scrutiny and reprimands as Ryan Lochte is being subjected to.

A lie is a lie and it should always remain the same reprehensible act, no matter who told it or what the lie is about. It should not matter it is Crooked Hillary Clinton or an olympic gold medalist swimmer Ryan Lochte, a lie should not be predicated on the teller. What example are we setting for our children when we preach and teach them that telling the truth is the key as they watch Hillary Clinton not face any consequences for all the lies she has told and repeated telling to cover up her previous continuing lies. Icheoku says if it is agreed that everybody is within the law, then either Ryan Lochte is not chastised or Hillary Clinton be made to face consequences for all her lies and continuing lies.

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