Monday, August 29, 2016


ICHEOKU says why Jesse Jackson is not leading the fight for the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States of America shows the thing wrong with politicians. A man who stood up for him and his rainbow Coalition as well as black Americans when it was not cool to do so, is a man deserving of reciprocity of love and affection with their support. Donald Trump stood up and helped black people foray into Wall Street, showing a propensity to do right for black Americans; hence his promised address of black American issues should be seriously considered and his offer accepted by black Americans and they in turn support his current quest for the presidency. Icheoku, after watching this video, says Jesse Jackson, in all consciousness should have no other choice but to damn whatever consequences and political upheaval it might cause, and man up and stand up for a man who stood up for him and black folks in the past.

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