Monday, July 4, 2016


Icheoku says please give it up to science, especially rocket science. There is a reason why rocket science occupies a preeminent position among sciences and other human callings. There is also a reason why it is the benchmark for comparing other things such as saying something is not a rocket science? It seems to be the it of all, the apex science. That rocket scientists are very well respected is also a fact,

After 1.74 billion miles, traveling at 60,000 miles per hour, a planetary journey through space, which lasted five years, finally ended as NASA's Space craft Juno pierced the atmosphere or rather orbit of Jupiter. It was launched on August 2011 and rendezvoused on July 4 2016, giving Americans another thing to celebrate and added reason to be thankful on their independence day. Icheoku says this is quite a very impressive wow-feat, of unimaginable proportion; and Icheoku is amazed. Icheoku wishes Juno well and hopes all the planned scientific discoveries that founded it would be achieved. Congratulations to NASA.

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