Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Icheoku says when FBI director James Comy challenged any reasonable prosecutor to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her email-gate scandal crimes, little did he know that a seasoned Federal Prosecutor named Governor Chris Christie will take him up on the challenge. 

Boy, was Governor Christie one heck of a good prosecutor; as he successfully presented his case and convinced a jury of her peers, the American people, that Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as charged and they agreed with him and convicted her. Icheoku says now instead of the White House, straight to prison off she goes. Crooked Hilalry Clinton is a rotten dirty liar who cannot be trusted with keeping America safe. She cannot keep America's secret, secret and is disqualified to seek the highest office of the land. Simply put, Crooked Hillary Clinton is a risky business, too grave a risk for America to take and therefore must be dumped. Say no to Hillary; Go Trump; Vote Trump and help put Hillary Clinton away for good.

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