Thursday, July 28, 2016


Icheoku says again a battery of political veterans and tacticians tried but failed to sell a repackaged old sauce which tastes stale. Crooked Hillary Clinton was not better and more accepted today by the American people than yesterday; as the question of her being trustworthy was again not successfully made nor established by the team lined up to polish her otherwise very unappealing soiled character. 

From her chosen vice presidential running mate, the grumpy looking Tim Kaine who did not dress appropriately for the event and also failed to capture American people with any special zinger or memorable one liner down the list. His hair and mannerism also suggests a man not ready nor meant for primetime national politics and might as well just keep his day job, representing his Southern Virginia in the Senate. He is unappealing, not electrifying and lacks needed charisma that attract Americans to their leaders. He is not tall enough nor charming nor captivating nor inviting and his dentition is somewhat suspect. He also lacks oratorial prowess. He can trust Hillary all he wants but American people reject that narrative because the Hillary they know and who has repeatedly shown that she cannot be trusted is the same Hillary that Tim Kaine tried but in vain to resell as new product. 

Other speakers including President Barack Obama, who tried but did not match his wife's performance on Monday, also could not sell Hillary Clinton character for truth and trustworthiness to the American people. As far as American people are concerned, the difference between Obama and Clinton is that between six and a half dozen and a vote for Hillary will only spell a third term for Obama. The question therefore remains which American wants to continue the current road being traveled since the last seven plus years? This question was however resolutely answered in a poll which found 73% Americans do not like the trajectory of the country and will like to see a change in direction. 

But unfortunately, either due to naiveté or bullish boldness, the president appears to underestimate a man whose destiny it is to lead America at this time of great discomfiture and friction. A man who has stoked a core of American people with his exactitude of intentions and the direction to which he wants to take the country. Like Obama underestimated ISIS as a JBV team leading to today's ISIS that is cutting priests head inside a church and spreading their terror like wild fire, the president is once again setting himself up for a shocker when on November 9, Donald John Trump will be president-elect of the United States of America. 

Donald Trump is a winner and his fellow Republican contenders similarly underestimated him only for them to be gnashing their teeth in jealousy. To their chagrin, he accelerated to the finish line in the primaries and is today the Republican Party presidential nominee. It will happen again and it is going to happen come November. 

The voting blocs Democrats are banking on to pull the election off has been mortally wounded and they will not forget nor forgive. Bernie Sanders camp were not given the vice presidential slot, so nothing will excite them to flock to the polls. Spanish bloc were also slighted by choosing a white man who speaks Spanish as vice presidential candidate, instead of a full blooded Spanish and as if that is good enough for them. Finally black voting bloc has no dog in the fight and feels so betrayed that one of them was rejected for the ticket. So the motivation is not there for blacks to mobilize for the election. As far as they are concerned, white people have taken their power back, so let white people vote as they deem fit. 

Unlike the two terms of Barack Obama when black people  felt they had something at stake, the chance of electing a black man to the presidency; and mobilized to push him into the White House, Crooked Hillary will not get any such love. Moreso her disparaging remarks of "Super Predators' as well as her husband's skewed Crime Bill is still very raw among African American communities throughout the country, whose families have been decimated by the signed crime law. That will leave Hillary Clinton struggling to secure some white peoples sympathy vote, most of who have already sworn NEVER HILLARY with Donald Trump, whose appeal is nearing feverish. 

Anyway, come November 8, Donald John Trump will be elected president of the United States of America, leaving Crooked Hillary holding the plate. Like the Biblical Jewish Moses, she would have come so very close to the promised land, but again was denied entry visa. Hillary Clinton is a damaged and mortally flawed candidate for the presidency and no amount of rehabilitation will change the opinion of the American people of a woman they have seen and watched for nearly forty years. Go Trump; Vote Trump/Pence and help America pivot to something new and more inspirational. Make America great again is a task for every American; so lets help the Donald, a man with the midas touch,  do what he does best and knows how to do, make America great again.

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