Sunday, June 12, 2016


Icheoku says again these islamic terrorists have had their way with America, killing fifty and wounding another fifty three Americans, inside a gay night club, Pulse,in Orlando Florida. The worst mass casualty gun attack in the United States of America in recent recorded history and somewhat a 9/11 Version 2.0 Icheoku says one of the greatest surprise of it all is that the president of the United States of America, President Barack Hussein Obama, has refused to name this devil in order to shame it and you wonder whose side is he on anyway? 

Icheoku agrees with Sarah Palin that "the solution to this problem begins with first properly identifying and acknowledging this threat, Islamic terrorism. Icheoku says without second guessing whatever is tying the president's hands, it is condemnable that any other thing or consideration should be paramount and weighs greater in the mind of the president, regarding a terrorist massacre of tens of innocent reveling, party going gays, who were simply celebrating their pride. Icheoku says apparently the only viable hope and solution to the problem is the incoming President Donald John Trump presidency.  This will enable Americans to try a new approach in this never ending war against Islamic terrorism. A war which has been going on for more than fifteen years now and which seemed to have worsened this past eight years cannot just be allowed to continue to fester. Therefore, it is about time the problem is looked at with a different set of eyes and different thinking brought to bear in approaching the problem and finally inventing a result-orientated solution thereto. 

What a manner of people are these Muslims that would be allowed into this country only for them to try to overawe the people and forcefully trying to impose their way of life on us.  If they loved their Islamic sharia way of life, why did they leave their original Islamic enclaves to come here and do us harm? If their women love to wear their masquerade looking burkha, why did they leave their burkha wearing enclaves in the Middle East to come here and give us trouble. If they love their religion so much why did they all not move back to Mecca and continue to worship their Allah from there. But unfortunately, political correctness has intervened and now things are gradually falling apart in our dear USA. Icheoku has nothing against anyone coming to America, but regrets that these immigrants are coming for the wrong reason. Why must they bring their excess baggage with them and force us to accommodate them? 

There are so many things Western, which are not and cannot be tolerated in their Middle East enclaves, but they always want us to accommodate their; and you wonder where is the reciprocity. Icheoku says enough of these vermin and if these guys want to be here, they must be here as full Americans but nothing less. What a pity that knee jerk policies of these politicians have led to another Islamic terrorist strike in our dear country. Please America, this appeasement policy on Islamic terrorists is not working and therefore must end. It is about time America tried the Donald Trump's policy of total war on Islamic terrorism. A full throttle approach is the only solution to this problem; and in order to completely annihilate the source that produces these animals and get it over with once and for all. Nothing else seems to have worked nor would work, as these urchins see the ongoing approach as weakness. They have thick skins and Saddam Hussein understood this and kept them under check for almost thirty five years. Rest in peace Orlando prides. 

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