Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Icheoku says it is now official that the two candidate to duke it out for the presidency of the United States of America this year are Donald John Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton, Republican and Democrat. Icheoku says although Bernie Sanders is not throwing in the towel yet, but her lead is now unassailable and she is for all intent and purpose the Democratic Party's nominee. Icheoku says let the fireworks now begin and America will certainly have a swell time, well spent this summer, watching the two candidates and their parties make a go at the office of the president of the United States of America. 

Icheoku congratulates Hillary Clinton for her milestone in securing her party's nomination as the first woman to ever do so. But as far as Icheoku is concerned, thats as far as she will go because this November, America will have a president named Donald John Trump, the 45th POTUS.  The mood of the country will not admit of an Obama's third term and not one through a wild-eyed feminist named Hillary Clinton. She is such a heavily flawed and irreparably damaged candidate and thats assuming she is not indicted before the election. Moreso, in the last 68 years, America has never voted for a party three successive terms but once. So not only the mood but the stars are well lined up for a Donald Trump's presidency. Go Trump; Vote Trump and together lets make America great again.

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