Monday, May 9, 2016


Icheoku says suddenly everybody in Nigeria has become mute, silenced and extremely measured in their criticism of the present government of President Muhammadu Buhari. They are no longer keen on pointing out the shortcomings of the government and you wonder what changed? These were the same people who shouted everybody deaf, hollering about the deficiencies of the former president Jonathan Goodluck of Otuoke, eventually chasing him out of Aso Rock and out of power. Many of them constituted themselves into various human rights activists this and activists that; civil rights this and that; as well as conscience of the nation this and that. So where are these people today or what happened to them and their holding the torch for the nation? 

These noise maker no longer see nor hear nor voice out anything wrong with the way Nigeria is headed and you wonder if miraculously everything is now kosher in Nigeria and their services or activism no longer needed nor necessary. Theirs have become a case of see no evil, hear no evil and talk no evil of and about President Muhammadu Buhari and his slumbering confused government. Like Jesus Christ admonished in the Bible, he who is without sin should cast the first stone and it appears that these bunch of Nigerians have disappeared in the same manner those accusers of the adulterous woman. These men and women have been checkmated by the EFCC, as almost all of them have fallen short of glory by reason of corruption and are bound to be picked up and interrogated by the EFCC. So it would appear that the fear of EFCC's invitation by these rabble rousers is now the beginning of wisdom for them. 

All of these activists so called have one stinking skeleton or the other in their closet and the EFCC has files on them; and none of them wants to be deprived of his or her freedom and liberty. Now they look the other way, zip their mouth and with two fingers plug their ears, while the current lord of the manor in Nigeria traverses the land. Arbitrary acting, saying and doing whatever and however he pleases, without anyone reminding him that he is not an emperor who can do no wrong. Culpable of the corruption war, so now shackled with fear of being arrested by EFCC, they decide to play it safe by being deaf and dumb, while the country is spiraling down the path to perdition. Icheoku queries are these Nigerians the same Nigerians who literally drove Jonathan of Otuoke out of Aso Rock with all manners of accusation and shouting of fire in the theater that actually almost set Nigeria ablaze. 

There is fire on the mountain in Nigeria and instead of these people telling Nigerians to run, run, run; they are petrified with fear and cannot even move their lips nor lift their hands in condemnation of the man at Aso Rock. Power supply has not improved and have gotten even worse, yet it is hallelujah. Security situation has not improved, yet it is all praise songs to the emperor of Aso Rock. Boko haram is still running amok, yet it is give give some time to languish them. Naira has depreciated greatly but there is no problem. Oil price has not appreciated yet there is no qualms. Unemployment has only skyrocketed to new high, but it is okay. Chibok girls are still missing but the Bring Back Their Girls pressure group have gone silent. Fulani cattle terrorists are maiming and killing Nigerians, destroying properties and means of livelihood, but it only gets tepid mention. Kidnapping and armed robbery as well as other vices and brigandry is on the roll in Nigeria, but these loud mouths appear not to be worried. 

Nigerians, Icheoku asks what is going on or rather what purchased the current silence; or does being a Fulani grant a president certain inviolable immunity from criticism and being Ijaw, automatically ensures a president being ran out of Aso Rock like a petty vagrant. Worse still, even the so called men and women of "God" have all gone silent too and you wonder if the current situation in Nigeria is acceptable to them? Anyway, Icheoku can only point the way and also point out certain observed wrongs, but regrets to say that Nigerians are a funny lot; a people who have no core nor character and whose stand on issues is Clintonian and highly influenced by peculiar circumstances. Possibly the Gods are angry at Nigerians and apologizing to Jonathan of Otuoke might be a way to start the process of atonement. A very incredible people, especially the so called civil and human rights activists and the conscience of the nation. What a country.

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