Sunday, May 22, 2016


- Says she will appoint Bill Clinton her economic tsar? 

Icheoku says the putative democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that she plans to outsource the president's job of the country's economic management to an unelected third party, her husband, Bill Clinton. 

Icheoku says what then remains of the job of a president if not to manage and steer the economic ship of the state safely. A president who is not ready nor prepared to manage the economy of the state might for all intent and purpose be said to have abdicated in her duties and functions as a president. So with the economy parceled out, what else remains for a president to do, one is forced to ask? Is it therefore safe to conclude that Hillary Clinton just wants to be president in name only and in order to freely junket around the globe, parading herself as president, but without being saddled or bogged down with performing the duties of the office. This is a self-effacing candidate, who prides herself as going to be the first female president of the United States of America, yet she is cluelessly saying that she will have a man running the affairs of the office and you wonder, really? 

Icheoku does not know about you but this Hillary Clinton scares the heck out of so many; especially those drinking the coolaid of having a first female president; but here she is admitting her handicap and by extension punting the office over to a man. It would seem that Hillary Clinton does not want to do the heavy lifting but would settle for playing a role of president but without performing the attendant hard work. But hey, Americans will decide appropriately at the right time that this Hillary Clinton is not the right female to be first female president of the United States of America and that at the right time, such a suitable female will emerge to lead America and the free world. Until then, let Americans vote their interest and vote for a person who has the can-do attitude and who has done it in other fields of life and one who has a proven accomplishment and together help make America great again. Go Trump; Vote Trump.

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