Sunday, May 29, 2016


Icheoku says the death of the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla named Harambe was avoidable and regrettable; as gorillas have been known throughout the world to protect little ones who pay unscheduled visits to their enclosures. Like humans, they usually quickly respond and rush to the rescue of little ones in danger. Why the decision-makers in Cincinnati Zoo rushed to kill the 450 silver-back Harambe defies every logical imagination. A more well rounded Zoo minders, would have explored other ways of retrieving the child including using water jets or cannons to hose off the gorilla, using extra dose tranquilizer, stun guns, distractive toys, tasers, rappelling rescuers or even a helicopter noise to scare off the gorilla. 

But regrettably none of these non lethal options were explored, leading to the quick rush to take the life of a harmless and adorable gorilla, who was only protecting a child whose careless parents left to his own devices, leading to his tumbling down a gorilla's enclosure. Instances abound of similar occurrences throughout the world from England to Australia to Russia to Chicago as well as other places where more thinking Zoo officials, rescued children similarly exposed to possible danger but without taking lethal action culminating in the death of such a animal. 

But be that as it may and in as much as no amount of condemnation or blame game would bring back the lost life, Icheoku says whoever had the custody and care of the child when this incident happened, should be arrested immediately and prosecuted for child endangerment. How a little child, left under the care of an adult, in a zoo with variety of wild life, could easily escape their custodial sight and fell into a gorilla's enclosure, is beyond pale and calls for investigation. Such a custodian, in addition to prescribed punishment, should be fined heavily and made to pay the cost of replacement of another gorilla to the exhibit. 

Icheoku does not buy into any of the so far given explanation, including being saddled with too many children to care for. The duty to protect those children and keep them safe and away from possible harm and in a Zoo is imperative and inexcusable, regardless of their number. Further, the Zoo Director who made the fatal call to kill the endangered silver back, ought to and should resign his office, for rushing off to such avoidable end result. The child could have been rescued without necessarily killing the gorilla. But he did not do what is expected of him under the circumstance by exploring other less lethal options. 

He could have calmed down the atmosphere by asking everybody to quieten down in order not to further scare the already agitated wild animal. That way, the animal would not have had the need to escape with the child to avoid harm coming to him. Also the lame excuse that tranquilizer would have take time to work is also unacceptable as all the Zoo would have down was increase the doze and then waited the gorilla down. Lastly, the gorilla was not threatening the child nor was it in any way trying to harm or cause him any injury. Icheoku laments it was an irrational rush to take life of a such a beautiful majestic silver back and it is indeed regrettable. What a shame to the Cincinnati Zoo director that made call and ordered Harambe, the gorilla, to be executed.

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