Tuesday, May 31, 2016


“Since last year, Secretary Clinton has said her use of a personal email server was a mistake. What she thought would be a convenient way to communicate with family, friends and colleagues – by using one email account for both her work related and personal emails – has turned out to be anything but convenient. 

If she could go back, she’d do it differently. Had Secretary Clinton known of any concerns about her email setup at the time, she would have taken steps to address them. She believed she was following the practices of other secretaries and senior officials. While we understand the questions about Secretary Clinton’s email practices, we are confident that voters will look at the full picture of everything she has done throughout her career. We have faith in the American people. They know we have to be focused on solutions that will make a real difference in people’s lives."- John Pedestal. 

Icheoku says what a bullcrap baloney that it was a mistake, only trying to add insult into injury. Oh heck the former secretary of state did not know when she was warned but she chose to ignore it and thereby circumvent existing policies of the department designed to follow records law. Somebody makes a mistake when it was accidental, but not by design as showed in this case. The secretary not only used personal email address but went further to rout it through a private server which shows deliberation. She also  lied that she did not know it was illegal when evidence supports the fact that she was warned of existing department policies against such practice. 

Icheoku says this election is not about what is more important, it is about in whom does the American people have confidence and trust to do the right thing and move the process forward. If as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton could not be trusted with ordinary emails, how could any sane person ask the American people to trust her with the presidency of the country. It is not about emails; it is about character and candor to lead the nation and Hillary Clinton is highly shortchanged in both departments. 

The email is but one of such instances where Hillary Clinton has shown that she cannot be trusted and the litany of such double-dealing is very lengthy. This is a woman who will not release her speeches to Wall Stret bankers and who has been playing hide and seek with the American people for so long and in various instances. Icheoku says, may be Team Hillary should instead of trying to explain out an obviously intentional act of conceit and deceit, try bargaining a way for her out of possible prison term; because as far as many Americans are concerned, instead of seeking the White House, it should be "Hillary Clinton for Prison 2016."

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