Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Icheoku when every thing so far thrown at Donald Trump to derail or stop the Trump Movement has failed, the Republican establishment and their preferred minions, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, are now being used as the last kitchen sink for 'a now or never' helluva wrench.  Icheoku says too little too late as the train has since left the station and trying to make it stop now or bring it back to station is an effort in futility. 

A case of dogs in the manger, knowing fully well that the door to the nomination has been securely shut at their faces, now they want to stop another from getting in and taking his trophy? Anyway they are colluding in vain as Donald Trump is God's anointed one this 2016 to lead America out of its current depression in everything and everywhere; and like the good Lord said, "touch not my anointed." Icheoku agrees with Donald Trump that John Katich and Ted Cruz are simply pathetic, thinking that their latest lame alliance stands a chance in hell of triggering an earthquake that will convulse the Trump Movement. Anyway desperate times calls for desperate measures and these desperadoes are so full of it. Now a Lyin' Ted and a Colluding Kasich are partners in conspiracy. 

Icheoku says like with every other past efforts by the establishment to hold unto power by stopping Trump, this latest effort to use a tag team of two losers will also fail and woefully too. Donald Trump is a chosen one, THE ONE, and no weapons of the enemies fashioned against him shall prosper. Icheoku once again call on all right-thinking Americans to read the handwriting on the wall and ask why all these attempts to stop The Donald; what is the beef. But the answer is as clear as daylight - his promise to make America great again and build that wall and have Mexico pay for it is roiling feathers of all those haters who prefer to maintain the status-quo. Power fights back and now power is really fighting back and shamelessly so. Go Donald and together lets help you make America great again. VOTE TRUMP.

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