Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Icheoku says those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable. If this particular man will not allow Americans to chose who they want to lead them, how else does he want them to change an outcome they are not happy with? Violence? Colorado Republican Party chairman Steve House  sure confirmed that his House is not a large tent for everyone as he is prepared to exclude some people he does not like and would rather do such injustice pursuing it. 

What a shame. Americans still have the right to choose who leads them and will not accept the untoward behavior of Colorado Republicans trying to deny Americans the right to choose their leader. The Republican presidential primaries is a contest and in a contest, participants are supposed to be availed equal opportunity to compete. But a situation where the party officials have a dog in the fight and would go to any length to deny a competitor his day in court is simply unacceptable and should be condemned by every righteous person. It is fairness; it is justice; it is equity and it is the only the acceptable operating procedure in any given contest. Let each and every participant be heard and be allowed to be voted for. 

That the Colorado Republican honchos could dare deny the front runner of the Republican Party's presidential primaries, Donald John Trump, the opportunity to be voted for, is rather incredible to say the least. They decided to award all the Colorado delegates to Ted Cruz and the supposed Christian zealot and fanatic happens to find nothing wrong with such brazen act of pervasion? Ted Cruz appears to be a christian in name only and only when it suits him; but fails or rather chooses not to see anything wrong in this injustice that was wrought to Donald Trump. Americans understands this very weird, vampire-looking man from Texas, the reason his moniker "Lyin' Ted" has stuck to him thus far. Icheoku says that an injustice to one is an injustice to all. Today it might be Donald Trump that is at the tip end of the sword, who knows for whom the bells will toll tomorrow. 

Icheoku therefore calls on Colorado republican party honchos to reverse themselves and at worst divide the delegates proportionally. If we can demand of the Chinese Communist Party to open up their electoral system to allow the Chinese people choose their leaders; and often quarrels with Putin's Russia because their system is not transparent, how then does America explain the sham that took place in Colorado? Icheoku says with a democracy like that no one actually needs democracy and we might as well revert to a politburo system where henchmen handpick who they feel is best for the citizens. In the manner Ronald Reagan admonished Soviet Union's Gorbachev to tear down this wall, Icheoku says to Colorado Republic Party Chairman Steve House to reverse the Colorado outcome in the spirit of fairness and justice to everyone of the candidates in the running to become the party's presidential nominee.

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