Sunday, March 27, 2016


Icheoku says then tell Americans those ones you had sex with; but please spare us all the deja vu general denial of "I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky" of the Bill Clinton sexual escapade saga. Icheoku generally does not butt in nor have any beef with any man or woman who is cheating on their spouse. It is such a victim's spouse to either put up with such a philandering partner or throw them to the curbside. As far as Icheoku is concerned, it is those couples' private affair and it should be left solely as that, theirs alone to sort out. But where a supposedly upright man of God, who swears by the scriptures and lives the pretentious family value life, has any skeletons in his cupboard that make him less than the holy one he puts up appearance as; then such person has crossed the line. This double-faced life of living a lie, is what Icheoku has beef with. 

Therefore Icheoku calls on Ted Cruz to categorically deny the National Inquirer story, disavow those women and challenge them to come up with evidence of the dalliance or shut up. A matter now made more pressing with three of the five women identified as Katrina Pierson, Sarah Isgar Flores and Amanda Carpenter. It is just not enough for the candidate, Ted Cruz, to dismissively wave the story aside as a hit piece done on him by camp Trump, because John Edwards tried same with his love child only to later leak his spit; ditto OJ Simpson with the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman; as well as the Bill Clinton's Monicagate Lewinsky scandal. 

So while Icheoku is not saying that the tabloid got it right again this time with the story of the philandering Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz should go a step further to prove his innocence with a law suit or its threat; and also demand the recanting of the entire story as well as damages. This is the only plausible action of a man maligned or defamed; and if he fails to do so, the cloud of infidelity will continue to hover over him like a hallo and it will shadow him throughout this election season. So Ted Cruz, is it true?

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