Sunday, March 20, 2016


ICHEOKU says just like Jesus Christ survived his traducers who tried to stop him for speaking the truth, Donald Trump will survive the current umbrage of haters piling up on him and trying to stop him from reaching the White House. Donald Trump will eventually emerge victorious in his campaign to make America great again as the 45th president of the United States of America. 

Donald Trump is speaking the truth and it is not a crime; admitted it takes a lot of courage and he got it mightily. The primary reason American people are flocking to Donald Trump is that he is speaking to their hearts and about what many things gone awry in and with the country, which many oddball politicians are thinking about but which political correctness does not allow them to vocalize. His utterances are music to the ears and only a blind man will not see the so many things wrong with America which needs urgent attention. The Greek philosopher Plato foresaw this many centuries ago and warned about it. Icheoku says Go Donald, build that wall, make America great again and no weapon fashioned against you will prosper IJN. 

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