Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Icheoku says if only the silver-haired grandpa Bernie Sanders had consulted JEB or any of the other now gone Republican presidential candidates wanna be, he would have known that staying alive this political season is abstaining from attacking Donald Trump. His hooligans attacked Trump's event in Chicago and the old man, instead of apologizing and restraining them, doubled up. 

His punishment, he was trounced by the shrill-voiced woman, Hillary Clinton, abysmally losing to her throughout all the five states with no exception - Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio. Even states he would have ordinarily won, being nearly whites only, he still lost to that woman, Hillary Clinton. Icheoku says this is the fate which befalls and awaits any attacker who shall mouth off against the peoples' choice and God's anointed one to make America great again. Icheoku says it is Donald Trump all the way to the White House and everything is lined up in the stars to mission accomplish it. Go Trump and together lets make America great again. Also build the darn wall and make Mexico pay for it as there will be a great wall of America too.

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