Sunday, February 7, 2016


Nigeria's President Buhari arrives to address the European Parliament in Strasbourg"Some Nigerians claim that life is too difficult back home, but they have also made it difficult for Europeans and Americans to accept them because of the number of Nigerians in prisons all over the world accused of drug trafficking or human trafficking. I don't think Nigerians have anybody to blame. They can remain at home, where their services are required to rebuild the country." - President Muhammadu Buhari speaking in London. 
“I believe a lot of you are doing well and are better off here. So, the question of facilitating your coming home does not arise. We don’t want you to come back home and be unemployed. Don’t come and add to our problems. If you have something doing here please continue doing it”. - President Muhammadu Buhari speaking in Benin Republic.
Icheoku says which Dr President Muhammadu Buhari is this that made the two statements? Can the real Dr President Muhammadu Buhari please stand up so that Nigerians can know which version of Dr President Muhammadu Buhari to look forward to, for guidance, in the continuing governance of the country. Icheoku is afraid that this man is gradually but surely losing grip of his faculties. Unfortunately for Nigeria, their president has no tutelage in the art of diplomatic speak and niceties; what a jerk, who does not know that he is the number one image-burnisher of Nigeria.

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