Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Icheoku says less than five days after Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari berated Nigerians in Diaspora as "criminals", in American State of Texas, two Nigerians, a couple, Chudy and Sandra Nsobundu, have given impetus to the president's outburst. The couple were arrested for holding a woman they smuggled  from Nigeria captive for two long years. According to the story, the couple converted the woman to an indentured servant, forcing her to take care of the couple's five children and for two long years without ever paying her for her forced labor services. 

Chudy 56 and Sandra 50 are being detained and awaiting trial for offenses ranging from forced labor, withholding documents (passport), conspiracy to harbor illegal immigrant and visa fraud. If convicted on all the charges, they could receive sentences ranging up to 55 years in Federal prison each. They are also looking at a possible fine of about $250,000 including restitution for services rendered but not paid for. They equally abused their captive physically and verbally, forced her to do all manner of domestic chore including cooking and cleaning, in addition to caring for the couple's five kids; and was forced to work from 5:30am t0 1:00am - literally round the clock with little to no food, rest or sleep. They also refused her access to television and denied her hot water bath and will not allow her to sleep on a bed but on the floor. 

Also "she was not allowed to eat fresh food but leftover scraps from previously prepared meals. She was not allowed to drink milk except she cleverly stole some from the children's cereal. She was also forced to remain indoors under a form of house arrest and to make matters worse, the paltry $100 per month they agreed was to be her salary and paid directly into her bank in Nigeria, was similarly withheld and never made due on. Sources also confirm that none of the five children is the couple's biological child as they adopted or are fostering them. So it is possible that the couple are receiving state benefits and support for those children and wanted to keep all the money to themselves. Icheoku says regrettable; but unfortunately, some Nigerians, in their drive to play a fast one, are giving the general populace a bad name. Peradventure, validating President Muhammadu Buhari's assertion that Nigerians, especially those in Diaspora are criminals. 

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