Saturday, February 20, 2016


Icheoku says if the aging woman who wants to be the first American female president cannot convincingly trounce a 75 year old, frail looking, silver-haired grandpa, how is she going to fair when faced with the political bulldozer that is Donald Trump. The Democratic Party will be making a very serious huge mistake fielding Hillary Clinton as their candidate in this election for all the reasons which has thus far made her unattractive to the American people. As shown this far, from Iowa to New Hampshire and now Nevada, the American people have continued to reject her and at best given her a very lukewarm and tepid reception on the campaign. 

Hillary Clinton is not the first female candidate Americans want and it is showing in the polls. Icheoku urges the Democratic Party, if indeed they stand a chance at retaining the White House, to please harness into the new energy Bernie Sanders have brought to the election campaign, the youths, and nominate him their candidate. If they fail, Donald Trump is going to easily run away with victory come this November. Simply put, an untrustworthy fast aging woman, who hardly makes eye contact, is not the the type of first female president Americans deserves, desires and wants; and therefore Americans will not have her. Just like another Bush has been forced to turn tails, any other Clinton will suffer the same faith and if not now, in November. Please Americans, say no to another Clinton in the White House. I am Icheoku and I approve this message.

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