Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Icheoku says among so many things going well for Donald Trump in this election season, all the ducks lined up, he has bankrolled his campaign without ceiling; he has the message - the anger message which is resonating very well among Americans; he has the energy and above all he has the right skin color, acceptable last name and global identity. Icheoku says Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are both Hispanics and this is their greatest albatross as Americans are not ready for another minority in their White House. This all American boy identity is the biggest selling point which Donald Trump has and which is part of the wind driving his current sail.

This election 2016 is stars-lined for a white boy, particularly that white boy who is angry at the establishment and angrier at the nigger presently in hostile occupation of their White House. Icheoku says any doubter still out there, questioning the electability of Donald Trump, is simply setting himself or herself up for a very rude shock. Donald Trump has started some fire in Americans and emotions are running on high octane. Americans are going all the way to put him in their White House and no pinhead two horn monster will stop him. Donald Trump is no longer just running a campaign but have started a movement and that movement will sweep him right through and into the White House come November. Icheoku says congratulations Donald on the Nevada win, Go Trump!

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