Saturday, January 30, 2016


From day to night: When the sun went down, the swimming pool could be lit up with various blue lights which stood against the lush gardenIcheoku says never estimate your self worth until compared with other people similarly situated with you. Jay-Z and Beyonce just learnt the lesson, the hard way, when they nearly closed on a home only to be stopped by a man who had more to offer than they were willing to pony up. 35 years old billionaire Minecraft founder, Markus Persson, made them to understand that their money is still just in the millions; and since he has more money than them, has earned the right of first refusal to a Los Angeles mansion on the hill, originally valued at $85 million but which sold for $70 million. 

Icheoku says moral of the story, never think too much of your worth or importance until someone else with much bigger ego comes barreling down your way to cut you to size. When so many are wishing to be have the amount of money the couple have their names and signatures to, here comes a man who has more money and was ready to make it work for him by splashing same on something that caught his attention. 

So in this life, learn to be content with what you can afford and never wish to be someone else or go to too great a pain to yourself just for no reason. Imagine Jay-Z and Bey being priced out of a property; their hands literally prized open to snatch it. A property which their riches could not afford to buy and you wonder what is their worth afterall or whether Chris Rock was right when he summarized that some people are rich while some others are wealthy, a case now once again proved right by this development.

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