Thursday, January 28, 2016


Icheoku says the truth of the matter is that America is still much a chauvinistic masochistic  male society which is not ready for the headship of a woman as president of America. The time is not yet come and Hillary Clinton will not be that first female president. Donald Trump was right and Donald Trump spoke the truth when he said that Hillary Clinton was shellacked or "schlonged" by Barack Obama despite the great expectation that she was going to wipe the ground with the boy, who according to her husband Bill Clinton, would ordinarily be making and serving them tea just a few short years ago? Just the last time's Hillary Clinton's bathroom overstay, what if America was under attack as evidenced during 9/11 when then President GW Bush was caught aloof, reading to some school kids, would her reason for not timely responding be because her bathroom took a little longer? 

America's presidency should not be so trivialized into a woman-deference and man-requirement affair. Both sexes should be ready to answer the proverbial red-phone timely, irrespective of any peculiar needs or bathroom circumstances. Therefore, Icheoku says and channeling Donald Trump that the American presidency should not be a battle of the sexes and cannot and should not be predicated on the sex of the candidate; neither should concessions be made to a particular candidate for election simply because her biological anatomy is somewhat different. and requires longer bathroom stay? Regardless, the 2008 election campaign where Obama "schlonged" Hillary is still very fresh in memory and Hillary Clinton has not improved her chances of ever being crowned American president since then. 

That being said and since Barack Obama is not running again, Icheoku makes bold to state that Hillary Clinton will not be elected president of America, not in this 2016 and not at any future time. Nobody really truly likes her as her personality and perception suck big time. But for the rubbed off affection which transferred from her husband Bill to her and she knows this, the reason she has not yet divorced him waiting to ride his love by the people into the White House, she will have no love at all. Her presidency will not happen as Americans have watched and seem through her facade and their opinion about her and disposition towards her has not changed. She turns political trick each time and every time, depending on what is convenient and what makes a good talking point. Icheoku's lack of interest for Hillary Clinton dates back a long time ago; she comes across as a too calculating feminist, who can say and do anything just to secure an advantage. 

It is likely that Bill Clinton is not even happy with her and is only putting up appearance of loving her just for political expediency? Otherwise why all his philandering with other women including Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky etc. Any man who is at home and in love with his woman does not necessarily go astray chasing other skirts except he does not get any or enough or simply tired and done. 

Anyway, many Americans will not be voting for Hillary. Icheoku says that many men who are married and who finds it extremely difficult relating to their overbearing wives would not vote for Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton might not even vote for Hillary Clinton himself. Many very jealous women, who are always engaged in catfights with each other, will not vote for Hillary Clinton. Then of course, majority of good old white boys of America will not have themselves submit to the dictates of a woman in their White House. Then added to blacks and Hispanics and other minorities of America who would be wondering whether to still pull the trigger for another minority female after the other minority black Barack Obama did not seem to have had way with things beneficial to the minorities of America. 

Icheoku says unfortunately but true, it is time for the good ole white boys to take back their White House and in order to see if things could simmer down a little bit. Tension has been rising in the country since 2008 leading to a lot of lack of collective policy direction and so much disgruntled winnings. This virulent opposition to anything Barack Obama will continue in the unfortunate event Hillary Clinton gets elected; but it is not going to happen. Americans are tired of having a minority president and they will not elect another one; not just yet and especially not one who is a female named Hillary Clinton. Moreso, there is a Clinton fatigue in America now just like they are also tired of the  other political family that have sort of become a permanent fixture in the political firmament too. 

Icheoku says go Donald and together lets make America great again. And for those Republican leadership trying to sabotage the Donald Trump movement and derail it, you better watch out and curb your enthusiasm. The whole Republican attractiveness will peter to a stop if anything ever happens to the Donald anticipated ticket. Donald Trump is the reason for the season and Americans, Republicans and those of us Blue-dog democrats alike as well as independents will not have any other person flying the Republican ticket than Donald Trump this 2016. If the ticket is stolen from him or he is forcefully shoved aside, we all are going to say out the election and Hillary Clinton, despite all her baggage, might win by default. So let the wish of the people prevail, let the Donald run and the Donald will win and win convincingly too.

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