Sunday, January 3, 2016


Icheoku says remains eternally grateful to all those well-intentioned men and women of goodwill who remembered to felicitate with son of man on the anniversary of his birth. Thought I could have personally responded to each and everyone of you personally in appreciation of your kind thoughts; but to say that the number was rather overwhelming would appear to be lack of gratitude, as no one should ever be heard to complain of being remembered 'too' much on his special day. All of you occupy special place in my heart and I love you all back mightily. 

My NYSC sweetheart of a very long time ago (imo-river) triggered the avalanche and it rained in without ceasing - FB. WhatsApp, Messenger, email, phone calls, Messages, Face Time, text etc. I appreciate all of you that extended their delight that I made it through yet another year in this earthly journey called life. Permit me to report that with his special grace, good nutrition and wonderful gene, he is still in a stellar health; and but for the salt and pepper, could pass off for half off. All the best to you all in the new year and with powers vested on me as a new year baby, now gracefully aging man, Icheoku hereby invokes Almighty's abundant remembrance of each one of you for your good hearts and generosity of wishes. It is well with you and it shall remain well with you all in Jesus name. Like my special client prayed, the party will continue and shall never stop and so may yours all be respectively. Salute.

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