Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Icheoku says it is about time the Wesy wake up and smell the coffee that is Islamic countries attempt to islamize the entire world. They will not let us build churches in their countries, will not let our women dress as they choose, will not let us drink alcohols, will not let us open night clubs and dance and party as we like, will not let us go topless in the beaches, will not let us even have sex; yet they want us to accommodate their values and cultures including their women dress up in terrorizing veil and burquahs. Now they have banned christmas and you tell me this is not the sign of things to come down the pike. 

In Northern Nigeria, they have sharia law and their Boko Haram military wing has been trying to spread islam throughout the country. In Saudi Arabia, there is not even a single church or worship center and they are cutting off peoples head for as  little as drinking or even writing an opinion. In Iran, we know how the country turned into an ISLAMIC republic, which the tiny African country of Guinea just recently became too. They are killing us; they are violating our values and our way of life, forcing their cultures everywhere that you begin to wonder if they liked their culture so much, why did they leave their nooks of the world to venture to the West. 

Icheoku says enough of all these political-Islam correctness. It is about time the West demands reciprocity from the Islamic world and if they don't agree, then lets ban their ways and culture from spreading in the West. Any of them that don't like it should go back to wherever they came from, failing which, they should be put in prison or forcibly deported. All these foul cry about anti-islam and associated hogwash is just what it is - crocodile tears that means nothing; and nothing short of brash reaction will halt their determined march to force their brand of worship on everyone. Now Christmas is gone, banned in both Brunei and Somalia Islamic countries and you wonder what is next. 

Icheoku says Donald Trump is right; Donald Trump is the answer to the question of Islamic spread and threat to overrun the world and Donald Trump is the right man to lead America and the West at this very trying times. Icheoku is emphatic that no other person in both Democratic and Republican Parties is better suited and more qualified at this fork on the road with threatening Islamic spread, to be president of America, and in a falling-apart world than a man who fears none of those pin-heads Muslims and who is prepared to align forces to defeat Islamic terrorism and Islam itself, if it gets to that. 

Enough of these pandering and cajoling of these muslims. We really do not need them to remain who we are, not anymore as 2015 is not 1970. They can go drink their oil as we now have our own and other non Muslim countries'  supply sources; and at worst, we can nuke them and still have the oil secured down the ground. What manner of rubbish is this anyway that people can no longer have rest and live in peace just because of these mallams who have no worth for human life and who think that they can have their way by terrorizing everybody. ISIS or ISIL have killed off nearly all christians in their part of the world; Saudi Arabia treats christianity as a taboo which is punished by death, meted out with chopping off the head of apostates. First it was Brunei and now Somalia too, has banned Christmas?

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