Friday, December 25, 2015


Icheoku says Nigerians are full of funny louts, people who flip like flagellum, depending on which direction the wind is blowing. Suddenly some of these people are mouthing off that the army should be prosecuted for doing a job which they were assigned to do, protect the security of the country from both internal and external attacks. 

Regardless, where was Femi Falana when Olusegun Obasanjo sent the army to lay waste Odi and Zaki Ibiam? What was his reaction then and why did he not similarly call for the army to be prosecuted for carrying out its professional duties as commanded by their commander in chief? Before Odi and Zaki Ibiam were Zango Kataf and Kalakuta Republic; yet Falana did not call for the army to be prosecuted then? Icheoku queries if the army that ravaged Fela's Kalakuta Republic then did not have an identity, how possible is it then that the same unknown soldiers now have prosecutable personality? 

How does Femi Falana plan to identify the very army that went to Zaria to face-down some errant law breakers, who were barricading the street and refusing the army chief passage? A matter made worse because those miscreants were just there, primarily to cause trouble and not because they were protesting against some matter they have grudges about or were trying to draw attention to some issues bedeviling them. Icheoku can only conclude that it is only the Yoruba 'kparakpo' thing, where no Yoruba does any wrong but every other person in Nigeria errs, that founds Femi Falana's recent call to prosecute the army. 

If Olusegun Obasanjo could order the army into action, why not Dr President Muhammadu Buhari or a person acting under or with his authority? The simple explanation is that the Yoruba people are just too contrived and pitiful; and being so self centered, they take positions on issues depending on how they are impacted and/or affected by it. Apparently, like Sanusi Lamido Sanusi once said, they are the biggest problem with Nigeria as their treachery and selfishness seriously work against Nigeria true unity. 

The good news however is that President Muhammadu Buhari has become tone-deaf to everything and anything going on around him, including whatever is being said by anyone. As a result, he does not hear nor listen to anything anymore and will most likely not hear the unfounded call by Femi Falana to prosecute the army. Otherwise Icheoku would have counseled to ignore it because unknown soldiers cannot be held accountable for their actions. They merely carried out orders; they are ghosts and ghosts do not exist and therefore cannot be sanctioned.

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