Friday, December 18, 2015


Icheoku says two court orders, yet to comply; and you wonder whether the lean and mean Cassius of Daura thinks it is deja vu 1983 and his despotic indefinite detention of persons without trial all over again? Leader of IPOB and Biafran man of the moment, Nnamdi Kanu, who is being illegally detained by the President Muhammad Buhari's government of Nigeria has successfully secured bail from two courts of competent jurisdiction but the government has refused to comply as ordered by releasing him. Icheoku says this is a government of a man who lied to the whole world that he is now "a converted democrat", yet won't comply and adhere to the rule of law. 

Query, what manner of a democrat will twice refuse to comply to a valid subsisting ruling and order of two courts, which granted bail and upheld same; and which bail condition have severally since been perfected and still pretends to be a converted democrat? Icheoku says this type of conversion is not heart-deep and sooner Nigerians realized that they made an egregious mistake in electing this despot and gear up for the fight ahead for their freedom, the better. President Muhammadu Buhari, Icheoku says, obey valid orders of court, comply with courts'  orders and release Nnamdi Kanu from the continued illegal detention forthwith and immediately. WAI BIAFRA, SAI KANU.

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