Sunday, December 27, 2015


Icheoku says if they won't and don't do it while traveling abroad in other peoples countries, why do it in their Nigeria? Why do Nigerians conduct themselves properly while visiting other peoples' countries but on touching down at Muritala Mohammed airport or any other such points of entry in Nigeria turn into such beastly primitives? Why do Nigerians do this to themselves and only while in their country; rubbishing  themselves and their country's image as a lawless people who are inhabiting a lawless place, where anything goes? Why revert to these animal instincts once in Nigeria or is there something wrongly wired in their DNA or Nigeria's society's body-fabric which frowns against orderliness and/or being law-abiding? 

A matter now amplified with President Muhammadu Buhari disrespectfully disobeying valid orders of courts to set Nnamdi Kanu free? If these Nigerians are following the example of the likes of their President Muhammadu Buhari in not obeying rules of law and that of human orderly co-existence, what does this say about the stereotyping of Africa being a jungle? Is there no solution to this malady or is it a case of if you cannot beat them, join them? Sometimes when you ask some returned former Diaspora Nigerians why they are behaving like those they rejoined back home and not positively impacting them with what rubbed off on them from their long sojourn overseas, their usual response is that the damage is so grave that they will not make any impact whatsoever, so why bother trying to risk being branded oyibo. 

But how long will things remain this way or do these people drive joy in being and remaining the way they are? The other day it was Oba Akiolu of Lagos who was photographed on the streets of London, while walking back to his hotel room, clutching his dinner bag, a dinner he went to the diner to buy by himself. He was wearing a nondescript caftan; but in Lagos he goes about in a retinue of hangers-on and feels so much important and omnipotent as to threaten drowning some people in the lagoon without any consequence? Many of these supposed Nigeria "big men", top-heavy politicians and supposed leaders of the people, while overseas on visits, dutifully and fearfully conform to every rule of law and orderliness. But on arriving back to Nigeria changes into the lawless scoundrels they present themselves as, leading to the question, why do they do it? 

Their compliance with rules and laws abroad shows that they have the capacity to do nice and abide by rules and laws in Nigeria, but deliberately choose not to.  So what is the problem and what is Nigerians' general problem of always running their country aground? Why do they happily revert to this abhorable behavior when in Nigeria but put up their best behavior overseas. Seriously speaking and in as much as Icheoku does not care a hoot about the man from Daura, but at least his legacy WAI worked. Nigerians should therefore seriously consider reintroducing WAI to help curb the excess indiscipline in the society. So let War Against Indiscipline be reintroduced in Nigeria to help cure the cancer of indiscipline and foist a functioning society where rules and laws as well as orderliness can endure. 

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