Thursday, December 10, 2015


Icheoku says finally at last an all white jury stood up and did what was right in America, convicting an all American white police man for his crimes against the women he was sworn to serve and protect. The randy, rapist, night crawling police officer, formerly of Oklahoma City Police Department, was handed down a total of 263 years plus 30years in the slammer. Icheoku says congratulations to the jurors for once braving it to do what is right in America. Daniel Holtzclaw witnessed a Daniel come to judgment, convicted of raping and sexually victimizing eight women on his police beat, in a minority black, low-income neighborhood of Enid, a city near Oklahoma City. 

At 29 years old, that sucker will have a lengthy time to indeed reflect on his abuse of defenseless women, whom  he swore to protect and serve. But instead, hiding under the instrumentality of his office, an issued badge and a service pistol, he overwhelmed their resistance and had his way severally with them. But the jury said such cowardly, whimpering and weeping girlie-man's conduct, who hid under his badge and service pistol to commit one of the most reprehensible crimes of abuse of office and rape, cannot go unpunished and they recommended the maximum sentence of close to triple life sentences. 

Speak of taking undue advantage and abuse of power; and this jackass is eminently qualified as a perpetrator in chief. His crimes for which he was convicted include rape, sexual battery and procuring lewd exhibition. A man who was supposed to protect and serve decided to only service his penile appendage and from intimidate women. Icheoku agrees with Oklahoma county District Attorney David Prater that "Justice was done today, and a criminal wearing a uniform is going to prison now." What a pervert this disgraced police officer is that disgraced both his uniform and the trust of the community he was sworn to protect and serve. Daniel Holtzclaw is what a police officer is not supposed to be and he was not crying out of remorse but that he was caught and now convicted for his crimes; and he is going away for a lengthy prison sentence that might see him never making it out alive. 

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