Monday, November 9, 2015


Icheoku says less than forty eight hours after two black police officers shot and killed a six year old white boy, they were charged for murder. Unfortunately for them, they killed the wrong skin-color; otherwise why were the cases of all those blacks killed by white police officers not readily treated in the same way with dispatch? Why were those white officers involved in shooting and killing of all these black victims of police brutality not similarly charged with murder or at least charged with something instead of always discharging them as not guilty whenever charged at all. But now a life that matters was taken and the two niggers that dispatched it, must be summarily brought to justice. 

Icheoku says still wondering why 'Black Lives Matter' activism is gathering steam and the increased restiveness of blacks in America which rightly feels that they are being treated as if they don't matter. Icheoku says no life should be senselessly taken by police officers who are trained, equipped and paid to protect and serve. Every  life matters and what is good for the geese should equally be good for the gander. Therefore every police officer who needlessly kills anyone, regardless of the victim's skin color, should be made to face the law, period. But the continuous disregard of black lives as if they don't matter, leading to charges not being brought against their assailants white police officers, is the thing that roils many people with conscience in America.  

Hopefully this two black officers will receive a fair trial; but in Southern State of Louisiana, their being blacks and killed a white six year old boy will not help their case at all; and therefore their conviction is but a fait accompli to say the least. Norris Greenhouse Jr. and Derrick Stafford of Marksville  Louisiana PD are standing trial for the shooting death of six year old Jeremy Mardis who was killed when the the two officers among others fired into his father's SUV striking him severally in the head as well as chest. His father Chris Few survived but is in the hospital recovering from his police inflicted gunshot wounds. According to the police chief, the boy "didn't deserve to die just like that"; to which Icheoku responds exactly how those many black children killed by white cops "didn't deserve to die just like that', admitted no one ever deserves to "die just like that." May there be justice to both the killed and the killed and may this wanton police killing of Americans please stop.

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