Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Icheoku says declaring that 'France is at war' is not enough; President Francois Hollande should rather be explaining to the French people why he did not prevent the attack of November 13, 2015 that claimed so many French lives as well as wounded so many too. He should explain what went wrong, why he failed or was incapable of keeping keep the French people safe and secure in their homeland. A matter made worse because this is yet another one more attack among the many severals that have been carried out in France and on the French people ever since he came into office? This is more important than rushing off to war against ISIS, a mere after the fact reaction, which will not bring back any of those lost lives of last Friday's terror in Paris. As with everything proactive as well as a president who is on top of his game, this is a case where prevention was and would have been better than the intended cure. 

The primary responsibility of any president is the protection of lives and properties of his or her countrymen and women. Therefore where a president fails and in the case of President Hollande, repeatedly, in this duty, honor behoves him to resign the office. His inability or rather incapability to effectively discharge this principal duty of his office makes him unfit to continue to preside over France. What is taking President Francois Hollande so long to arrive at a decision to and surrender the fiat of state. Icheoku heretofore hereby calls on President Francois Hollande to resign from the presidency of France forthwith in order to make way for a more determined French to lead the response to this latest attack as well as keeping France safe going forward. President Francois Hollande, Icheoku says RESIGN now and resign immediately. 

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