Wednesday, November 11, 2015


“Since we assumed office in May, I had been mindful of the need to ensure that the appointment of new ministers translate into a roundpegs in round holes 'while showing sensitivity to our diversity as a people' and our various positions as groups of stakeholders of our country." - President Muhammadu Buhari. 

Icheoku says except that it is too little too late on the issue of "showing sensitivity to our diversity as a people." Query:- at what stage did the president finally realize that Nigeria is a motley of divergent people who need to be fully and equally represented in his government? When did he have this epiphany, after he made lopsided appointments which drastically favored his Northern Hausa/Fulani region of the country at the ratio of about 21 appointments for the North and only 3 appointments for the South? 

Anyway, it is his presidency and he can do with it whatever and however he likes, including appointing only his Miyetti Allah people into various positions of authority and in full control of all the security agencies of the country. Icheoku asks if the stakes were to change and a southern is or becomes the president, will the North accept a similarly skewed appointments which drastically favors the south against them? Except that no one is listening as everyone in Nigeria seems to have drank the cool-aid that is a promised change and a supposedly incorruptible President Muhammadu Buhari. 

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