Friday, November 13, 2015


Icheoku says Islamist terror strikes Paris again, yet the president of France Francois Hollande is still in office? Is it not about time he resigned his office for his inability to secure France and also protect its citizens and residents? What is Mr Hollande still waiting for before throwing in the towel so that another French who could protect France and the French people, would move into Elysee Palace in his place. Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta just resigned his office following a "mere" nightclub incident which is not even terror-related; but here in Elysee Palace is still sitting a president under whose watch Paris and the French people have come under so many terrorists attacks since he took office? 

Icheoku says if Francios Hollande cannot discharge his primary duty of protecting France and the French people, doesn't honor demand of him that he surrenders the fiat of state and move away to make way for another more competent president to step in and secure France. Since May 6, 2012 when President Francois Hollande took office, there have been over nine Islamic terrorist strikes in France; culminating in today's mother of all terror attacks which has so far claimed over 150 lives with so many others severely wounded. On May 23, 2013 a solider was stabbed and wounded by an Islamic terrorist shouting Allah Arkbar; on December 20, 2014 an Islamic terrorist attack in a police office left three wounded; on December 21 2014, eleven pedestrians were left wounded when an Islamic terrorist ran them over with a vehicle. 

Continuing, on December 22, 2014, another ten people were wounded with one killed when yet another Islamic terrorist plunged into them with a vehicle; between January 7 - 9, 2015, twenty people were killed with twenty-two wounded when attacks on Charlie Hebdo and Hypercacher supermarket left Paris in a near hysteria. On February 3, 2015, three were wounded in a Jewish center following another Islamic terror attack; on April 19, 2015, one person was killed when an Islamist terrorist attacked inside a church; on June 26, 2015, one French man was  beheaded by an Islamic terrorist with two others wounded when his vehicle plowed into them. On August 21, 2015, four persons were wounded in a terrorist train attack. Then today, November 13, 2015, the grand-finale of all these terrorist attacks in France again  happened leaving over one hundred and sixty casualties as well as several more hundreds wounded. The attack was multi-directed including inside a music venue, sports stadium and a restaurant. 

Icheoku asks is there anywhere still safe from these Islamists murderous attacks under a President Francois Hollande's France?  Why should this president not consider stepping aside so that his office another could take who would restore safety and security to France and the French people? Icheoku extends our condolences to the French people over their now seemingly unending terrorist attacks as we hereby also call on President Francois Hollande to resign immediately. 

But is there any solution to all these global Islamists madness, one might ask? Although Spain was removed from these terrorists' bulls-eye following their forced withdrawal from any further military actions against Islamist terrorists anyway especially in the Middle East following the train bombing in Madrid.  But should this cowardly flee when faced with danger now become the only way to buy our peace and starve off these terrors? Should this now become the model for the guarantee of safety in the Western world. Should we all just turn the other way as these terrorists have their way in their Middle East without fear of reprisals in order for them to leave us alone in peace in the West? Except that someone has to keep these Islamist dogs caged or on their feet running from assured annihilation, because running away from them is not an option worth exercising because if we yield them one ground they will come for more. 

Their thrust challenge is a task the West must be willing to accept and ruthlessly crush. These urchins must be dealt the heavy hand and simply wiped off from the face of this earth in order to secure our peace and guarantee our way of life. If it means interdicting all the Muslims in France like America did with the Japanese during the second world war, so be it; may be it is an option worth considering. Icheoku says someone in their midst must have heard or seen something but failed to say something before this mayhem went down. If it means giving them an ultimatum to stop these senseless wastage of human lives or be shipped back to their Middle East enclave, so be it too. Icheoku says this constant spillage of blood in Europe must stop or be stopped however possible and regardless of how drastic the measure. It might be one situation that is an exception to the end justifying the means? 

What a tragedy of great proportion this is. Like with Charlie Hebdo, Icheoku says we are all now Parisians following this attack. This attack must not be allowed to cage us in or leave us whimpering or force us to stop living the life we know or are used to. This attack must be responded to drastically and if it means nuking them, lets get this problem taken care of once and of all. To hell with these Islamist terrorists. May be it is about time all Muslims are rounded up and executed or dispatched to eternal damnation in hell. But be that as it may, the buck of securing France stops on President Hollande's desk; a duty which he has so miserably failed in. Therefore his resignation should be in order at this time and Icheoku hereby calls on President Francois Hollande to resign forthwith. It has been severally shown that Mr Hollande lacks the capacity to protect France and the French people from harm and has no use remaining as the head of France.  

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