Thursday, November 26, 2015


Icheoku says after watching Russian turncoat Alexander Litvinenko die from polonium poisoning in London, his rapid deterioration considered, it is safe to suggest that former Nigeria Petroleum Minister Diezani Alison Madueke is possibly, similarly ebbing away? How could this stunningly beautiful lady go from such a dazzling woman, with two  shinning orbs that passes for eyes,  to the witch-looking hag within just few months after leaving office? 

Cancer kills and equally wastes its victims away, but it is usually not at this accelerated speed. Dora Akunyili too was a victim of the same conspiracy that is trying so hard to now also take out Diezani. She was buried as a cancer victim; after plummeting from a once bubbly vivacious adorable Amazonian to the skeletal ghoul that Nigerians gasped when they first beheld. Dora is gone and Diezani is going; but will humanity especially those that call Nigeria home, wait to save this woman. Icheoku laments that some cabal in Nigeria who feels that a woman has no right of say ganged up against Dora Akunyili because she outed an incapacitated late President Umaru YarAdua and they succeeded in permanently silencing her by getting rid of her. Diezani came and they wondered how dare a woman tell them how to behave in the oil industry and now she is paying a steeped price for her zealousness to sanitize the bazaar that use to be Nigeria's oil industry. 

Icheoku has no provable information about this thought; and except for critical thinking, analysis of all surrounding circumstances including her health's rapid deterioration;  juxtaposed with the death of the Russian above mentioned, it is more likely than not that she is marked for elimination. Their weapon of choice, a surreptitious insertion of plutonium into her system either through drink, food or inhalation; and then wait and watch as the radioactive material shred her away in piecemeal? Icheoku prays that she will beat the odds and make a quick recovery; but her present situation is dire and baring a miracle, it does not look good. Dora is gone but Diezani is still here with us and it is never too late for these jackals to have a change of heart and get her the right medicine she needs. She may have cancer but cancer does not speed-waste its victims; certainly not in this manner. What a life we live; leading to the question, what is life really worth. God's speed Diezani.

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