Friday, November 6, 2015


Icheoku says who would know Dick Cheney better than the man who as made him his Defense Secretary and watched as the same man nominated himself as his son's vice presidential candidate and then led him into the worst catastrophic presidency America ever witnessed. But why did he wait only to just talk now when he was present and silently watched as the two men run rings around his son GW and him a very detestable president? Icheoku says the Bush patriarch should have spoken earlier and forced his soon to fire those two men; but to wait until now, after their damage have been done is to say the least disingenuous. Query if the senior Bush knew that both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were anathema to his son's administration and that they were going to bring great disrepute to his presidency, why did he not intervene to have them both removed when it would have mattered most?  

Icheoku does not buy into this Monday night quarter-backing as the old George is not telling Americans what they did not already know. Reaffirming it now would not bring back those thousands of Americans war killed, who were sent to an unjustifiable war foisted by lies and innuendos. Icheoku says the current dust being stirred with this comment is but an attempt to cause controversy which is necessary to create curiosity which will force many people to read the book and in turn generate sales which will be good for the bottom-line. Whether Dick Cheney is an "iron-ass" or Donald Rumsfeld is "arrogant" is irrelevant, because the final decision rested with his son Gorge W Jr, who according to himself, is the decider-in-chief of America while his presidency lasted. To now turn around and blame Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld for the deficiencies of George W is simply buck passing and no one is buying it, not at this so late in the day with untold blood and treasure having already been lost in the unnecessary war of expedition and adventure that was Iraqi WMD invasion. 

Icheoku asks why would any good, caring father stand idly by and watch as two of his son's confidantes detrimentally hijack his presidency, wielding an unprecedented level of authority therein? Further if the Papa Bush was taken aback by the hawkish stance of Dick Cheney whom he knew and worked with, why did he not say or do something to alert his son or call Dick Cheney to order when it mattered most and when it would have made the most impact? Icheoku says how would this very Bush Snr look into the eyes of all those Americans bereaved, whose sons, daughters, fathers and mothers perished in the battle of Iraq? What will he say to all those American taxpayers whose treasure was sunk into the needless Iraqi war? Both losses were otherwise preventable and would have been prevented, if only Bush Senior had said something or did something to awaken the consciousness of his son and that of Americans when the 'kick ass' Dick Cheney and the 'arrogant' Donald Rumsfeld were running circles around his son, President GW. 

If George Herbert Walker Bush knew that his son "knuckled under to the real hard-charging guys who want to fight about everything and use force to get their way in the Middle East', at what point did he acquire this knowledge and what use did he put it to and was it when it would have mattered most? Icheoku says why choose to now disclose this fact of consequence which was capable of stopping going to the war and could have even stopped the war? Of what use is the information anyway? when it will not bring back all those thousands of lost lives as well as billions of dollars sank into the effort to date. If the elder Bush has "never been close to Rumsfeld, and there is lack of humility, lack of seeing what the other guy thinks, more kick ass and take names and take numbers guy,' why did Bush Senior not say something or do something when it would have been beneficial to Americans? Why did he allow the actions of just two men to damage the reputation of the United States of America under his son's watch? If Bush Senior do not like what Rumsfeld did which hurt his son, why did he not say something and do something when it would have mattered most and in order not for his son to be hurt? 

Icheoku says will neither buy nor read the biography, "Destiny and Power: The America Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush"; but suffice it to say that the elder Bush owes America a huge apology for seeing something and not saying something nor doing something about it. George Bush Senior is guilty of omission to prevent and forestall the costly wanton damage that was the war of Iraq. Until then, Icheoku says America and the world including Icheoku holds his son George W Bush, wholly and entirely, responsible for taking American into a needless war in Iraq.  Further, for the continuing havoc and mayhem which are arising from that misguided adventure into masochism, Bush senior is partly responsible for not preventing it when he could have easily so done and/or spoken publicly against the two men and their engineered war. Icheoku wonders if Dick Cheney would, in the manner he mouthed off Senate Patrick Leahey, similarly  tell the senior Bush to go f**k himself? As for Rumsfeld, he has pled the 5th and ain't saying nothing, too afraid to confront the old spy chief and his sleuth of loyal lieutenants. Icheoku says is this a great time or what, Americans?

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