Monday, October 19, 2015


Icheoku says whenever a spouse goes into this question asking mode, it is a strong indication that he or she probably married the wrong guy or gal; or what some would call another man's woman or another woman's man. Marriage is not supposed to be spouse-repellent or rather repulsive and irritable; and it is not supposed to be a dreadful association. Therefore any time marital relationship deteriorates to a point where either spouse starts being seen as the source of annoyance or irritation to the other spouse, then it is time to sing the final requiem or dirge and nunc dimitis of the union and to say to your tents Oh Israel. 

Marriage is not supposed to be scary or discomforting; but like wearing the wrong shoe size, if unmatched, could be painfully disgusting. This is the reason Jesus preached against being unequally yoked; and it has everything to do with personalities or rather compatibility of spouses. Many people who fall into this "Why did I marry" category are those spouses who married because of what their spouses are rather than who they are. The bait takers, who fell for the storied glitter and glamour; only to find out that there is truism in the saying that all that glitters is not gold. Strong spouses on the other hand do not marry because they have to; they marry because they want to and to who they want, not who circumstances forced them into. 

A rule of the thumb never marry a person because  of sympathy or because the accessories around them are attractive and you want in. The reason is that sooner or later those glitters will turn gaudy and you will get bored and want out. But inner qualities do no tarnish and if you marry right, you will stay happily married as long as you both shall live. Marital difficulties become exacerbated only when spouses are polar opposites and cannot even find common grounds to work together to solve their problems. The result, end of marriage fight which sometimes leads to divorce or even the killing of one spouse by another in order to get out, secure his or her freedom. So now you know, what being married looks like as opposed to many why did I get married scenarios.

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