Thursday, October 29, 2015


Icheoku says it appears the women of Malaysia have finally solved the ancient mystery surrounding marital relations. They have figured it out and peradventure discovered how to keep their man roped in, focused on them and stay out of needless adventures? Icheoku maintains that any woman who knows her onions could still be in charge of everything while a smitten husband would believe he is in charge. But the situation usually comes to a head when an obtrusive wife at every given opportunity, drives it down her husband's throat that she is the one calling all the shots. This often leads to war in paradise as the beleaguered husband scrambles to reassert himself while an already in-charge wife struggles to maintain her control. 

Anyway, to help finally rest this unnecessary tussle, the women of Malaysia have formed a club - the 'Obedient Wives Club' and you ask yourself, which husband still wants to fight when he feels that his wife is obeying all the rules? Their objective, "to teach their members and women in general how to cooperate with their husbands in order to keep their homes together and be happy. According to the club's Vice President Rohayah Mohamad, "wives must learn to be good lovers and listen to their husbands in order to prevent them from straying or misbehaving. The club urged wives to be "whores in bed" and listen to their husbands in order to curb social ills as well as domestic violence. Continuing she said, "a good wife is perceived to be prim and proper - you just take care of the children - but not much is emphasised on fulfilling the sexual needs of the husband. If he needs sex, obey him." Another member chimed in that "if the wife listens, then the husband feels good and is entertained and this builds closer relationship and greater love and no one strays."

Icheoku agrees that intimacy brings bonding and bonding brings greater love and affection. Icheoku says in as much as no one is advocating for a return to caveman days, there is really nothing wrong with spouses cultivating the habit of  listening to one another, instead of paying more attention to third parties while neglecting their partners. Loneliness in marriage is the surest way of singing a requiem for such union and reasonable spouses avoid this by giving each other priority attention over every other person including their own family members and friends. Icheoku says instead of "DI GBAKWA OKU", how about "Obedient Wives Club" Nigeria women; and in that way the fights over who wears the pants suit will not become an enduring occurrence and with it misery and eventual breakup and sometimes murder. Just sharing thoughts but feel free to decide as you please and thereafter live with whatever consequence your decision brings about. 

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