Friday, October 23, 2015


Icheoku says who is out to get or rather stop Hillary Clinton from going forward with her presidential ambition; or does any unbiased right thinking American think that 11 hours of grilling time was reasonable? Icheoku does not know about you but harps that like Barry Sanders implored, all these anal examination of the first woman to seriously contend the presidency of the United States of America, must cease and stop. America, a misogynist society of very chauvinistic males, are swooning into a tizzy that a woman could potentially be presiding over them and they are all out to nip that happenstance in the bud. 

Overall, Icheoku thinks she stood her grounds as she performed creditably well. Query were Hilary Clinton not running for the presidency, would the Republican dominated Congressional panel been this intrusive with their penetrating questions? Were Hillary Clinton a member of the 'ole white boys' club of America,  wearing pants instead of skirts, would her time before the panel been this heated? Anyway, but for her occasional avoidance of eye-contact, she did not present herself as an easily intimidated female, but someone who feels as equal to those panelists. Icheoku says so what next in the concert to derail her campaign or intimidate her out of contention. But the people of America will do the final deciding and until their verdict is reached on November 2016, no one knows what their views on her performance today really is.

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