Monday, September 28, 2015


Icheoku says any presidential election, going forward, in America, must in fact truly reflect the true colors of America as minorities of America will no longer tolerate nor accept an American  White House that is in total control of two aging white men. Such future presidency must as of necessity, comprise of at least either a white man and a black man or a white man and a woman or Latino or Asian or any other racially mixed ticket. But the days of only aging white men assuming that the white house is theirs alone for keeps is long since over. Especially not after President Barack Obama's soon to be eight long years high profile visibility as president and commander in chief of the American armed forces. 

Americans, particularly blacks and other minorities, are now used to having one of them in the White House. So to suddenly change this equation by totally eliminating a black face or woman or other minorities of America, from the White House will rather be a tough one to swallow. Any thinking presidential candidate therefore must keep this in view while choosing its vice presidential candidate and canvassing for American votes, especially blacks and other minorities of America votes. But to completely relegate blacks or other minorities out of the race will suggest that the happenstance of Barack Obama on the American political landscape was a mere chance occurrence. An America that is now used to seeing and having a black president and a first family that is black, cannot suddenly feel normal without another minority in the White House.

To this effect therefore, Donald Trump will do himself a whole lot of good by choosing a black person as his vice presidential candidate. Icheoku implores Donald Trump, the potential Republican presidential candidate nominee, to inoculate his candidacy with a shot in the arm by securing the black voting bloc which choosing a black person as his running mate will surely guarantee. Fortunately enough, Dr Ben Carson has continually been sustaining some serious traction in the ongoing Republican Party's primary run and should be seriously considered by Donald Trump as his potential running mate. That way, Donald Trump will pull a fast one from underneath Hillary Clinton's rug by delving into the black voting bloc which is traditionally pro the Democratic Party. Icheoku says every black person in America will think twice before voting for an all white Hillary Clinton's ticket (herself already a minority cannot afford to choose another minority) as against a Donald Trump's ticket which parades one of their own. Moreso Dr Ben Carson as of his own right, is eminently qualified to be president. Admittedly, some critics will say that both men are not politically experienced, but Icheoku maintains that well qualified aides will help them get over this. Icheoku says a Donald Trump and Ben Carson ticket is a winnable ticket; they should run and they will win. Go Donald; Go Ben!!!

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