Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Icheoku says regardless of his grievances or provocations that finally pushed him over the ledge, no killing of any human being is ever justified or justifiable. Therefore the latest statistic in Americans gone crazily wild and killing another is but a lunatic who is looking for excuses to carry out his murderous evil intentions and succeeded in dispatching two innocent journalists to the great beyond. He was not the first person to be ever fired from a job as almost everyone has been fired from a job at one time or the other and they all did not decide to kill people as a result. Icheoku says he is just simply a wacko-doddle human gunpowder waiting to go BOOM and he went BOOM and two people went down from the blast. 

Icheoku says, simply a pathetic fellow who is neither here nor there. He was neither a racist nor someone seeking to defend the black race or stand up against racism; as he was equally mad at black male folks for discriminating against him for being a gay black-man in America. He also dislikes white women for no identifiable reason other than that one of them took his job and also used racial epithet against him. He then went on to talk about a racial war, challenging those white people to bring it on and Icheoku wonders with whom would he have been marching into battle, the same black-men whom he disparaged? Anyway, Vester Lee Flanagan II was simply looking for ways to explain out his inexplicable heinous act and he did a very poor job at it; as no sane person expects a fired worker to go about killing people in this way as a result. He killed reporter Alison Parker because she took his job and killed cameraman Adam Ward because he engineered his exit from the television station through false witnessing and backstabbing. There is also the third wounded victim, Vicki Gardner, who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, but with whom he had no beef otherwise he had opportunity to finish her off but chose not to. 

What a faggot of the worse kind this guy is as no true gay person is ever this disgustingly violent; but he failed in his attempt to give gay people a bad name. Icheoku says although many of his complaints were plausible as a continuing pattern of occurrence in American workplaces, including racial discrimination and sexual harassment being a gay person, name calling him a monkey by a high-up producer, but still it does not justify what went down. People get fired from their jobs all the time and sometimes for no apparent reason as an employer is not required to have a reason for 'separating an employee from the company'. It could be for anything or nothing at all and sometimes from the very mundane to the inexplicable absurdity. No one cares and in America, the nastier you are the more chances you are to make it through the ladder to the top. Many people in various supervisory positions know of this unspoken canon of rising to the top and so like cream, they will summarily axe anyone without blinking or batting an eyelid. 

Vester Flanagan should have known that it comes with the territory and therefore dusted himself up and moved on following his firing. But no, he allowed another person's action to get the better part of him and today it boiled over into an unthinkable violent act that left three people dead and the fourth hospitalized. Icheoku says many Americans have thought about whacking people who fired them. Many Americans too have similarly thought about committing suicide just to get it over with. But only the weak and the faint-hearted follow through with these thoughts. The strong and never yielding ones, always  soldiers on to the next big thing which might eventually prove their previous nasty experience to be a blessing in disguise. Icheoku believes that Flanagan encountered 'nasty racist things' at work, every American especially people of color do, but it still does not justify what he did. Icheoku only hopes that America can start evaluating more why Americans lose their cool and burn their top gaskets, leading to all these mass killings; instead of always branding such lost soul as a "disgruntled employee" or "an angry, stressed and aggressive blackman or person. 

Icheoku says that all the killer's expressed issues of anger and annoyance are common place occurrences in American work places. Fucking with peoples life and causing awful chain of events is also part of the society. Demons which  would not leave him alone until they drove him over the cliff and the rest is now history. Icheoku vouches that such 'feeling of being completely overwhelmed, confused and even having some real fear about someone's worth, value and future' is true. Icheoku had been boxed into such dark corner in the past where all thoughts came flooding in including feeling suicidal. Yes it is true and anyone denying their existence is either economical with the truth or has not traveled through America's job places or simply in denial. It is equally possible that those his producers did not believe he knows what he was doing. They always doubt your abilities if a colored person, regardless of one's high degrees and work ability; and they always find collaborating fellow employees to give false witnesses to seal any one's fate whenever they want to. 

Therefore it is possible that the photos were out to get him otherwise what could a reporter have reported so badly that a photog would rush off to the HR to report him just after only working with him once? Icheoku knows first hand how this works, having been a victim myself; so his fears were real but it does not excuse the heinous murders. Imagine his former employer reaching out to his new would be employer to persuade them not to follow through with a job offer they had earlier made to him? Then ask yourself how they planned for this guy to survive and finally succeeded in pushing him into his despondency. Yes he admittedly was angry as everyone else in America is; the reason why drug and alcohol use is very prevalent in a futile attempt to numb and deaden the anguish. Yes, he reserves right to be mad and angry just like everyone American. Yes like Tupac Shakur, he could not find peace on earth in America and believed it could be found elsewhere outside this world. 

Yes he also tried but unsuccessfully to 'pull himself up by the bootstraps but according to him "the damage was already done and when someone gets to this point, there is nothing that can be said or done to change their sadness to happiness. It does not work that way and not even medications can do anything to help the situation. Continuing he admitted it is too much to bear as they fucked up his head. Icheoku gets it and confirms them to be real challenging situation in America but which does not explain nor excuse what he did. There is something called counseling or just trying your luck elsewhere including going abroad to see if the pasture could be greener over there. But to vent his anger in this manner is benefit any and every sense of decency and therefore condemnable.

Icheoku says name calling never kills anyone admitted it might cause hurt-feelings. He sued and the case was settled, an admission of responsibility of some sort; but most of these employers when they want you out would rather pay to have you go away. So what if he threw a huge tantrums at his last firing or was he expected to happily  throw a huge thank you hugging party for being fired? But all these odd, strange and threatening behavior is a code word for some ulterior motives for firing people who do not fit into a "working culture and environment", another code for you don't belong here or your type is not a good fit here. 

The fact of the matter is that so many people are angry and miserable in America and are walking time bombs waiting to go off at the slightest provocation or any given reason. Luckily however, Vester Flanagan is not a Mexican who came across the border illegally to 'come here and kill Americans' and could not have been earlier deported in order to preempt this. He was not a deportable illegal Mexican and deporting him would not have been an option under Donald Trump's themed solution to all America's immigration problems, including stopping gun violence in America? So deportation of illegals would not have saved the lives of the two television crew members who were killed in the line of duty. Now words like 'You are fired; 'We decided to separate you from the company; and 'We decided to let you go" are ingrained as too well known in our job places lexicons. But what these employers who randomly 'let employees go' expect such former employees to do, they will not tell pr say. 

Lastly while Icheoku believes that all the grievances of Vester Flanagan are plausible including the conspiracy by cameraman Adam Ward to have him replaced by Alison Parker, who called him name or made racist remarks at him; his complaints which went unanswered by the employer; racial discrimination and sexual harassment etc; but none of these either in individually or in entire and in a whole is enough reason to take another human being's life, talkless of two of them. Thankfully while the gunman was running his mouth over the phone trying to justify what he did, unbeknownst to him, security agents were on his trail using the phone embedded GPS as their guiding beacon to get to him. The murderer is no more as he took his own life in order not to give credit to others for being the hands that brought him to justice. Whether such shooting of self is an act of bravery or cowardice is debatable; but most courageous people following such an act would rather end it immediately and at their own choosing, rather than be processed through the justice system only to eventually end up being killed anyways. Crime committed, crime solved and everyone is mourning at the same time. But when would NRA be moved into doing something about sensible gun control in America? Rest in peace Alison, Adam ande of course Flanagan, Adieu.

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