Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Icheoku says three Saudi Arabian women, on inquiry about life in Saudi Arabia, in one terse word, chorused BORING. There is nothing to do - you just cook, clean, eat, bear children, get fat and then die; and worse still your husband can also marry three additional wives, regardless of what you feel or think about it. As a young unmarried woman, you are not allowed to have boyfriends and must maintain your virginity as a marital gift to your eventual husband irrespective of the age you find a husband; who is permitted to kill you if he discovered he had married a non virgin. This is if your own parents did not kill you first for bringing shame of unchastity to the family. 

They are not allowed to socialize, go to night clubs, drink any alcoholic beverages or get involved in any "worldly vices" as according to their religious mullahs, their prophet frowns against such things. Icheoku wonders what they then do with all the abundant money in their kingdom - may be shop and shop and shop and little travel? But what type of life is that when no one can admire you or actually appreciate you, especially for the good work God made out of you by creating you? Needless to add that they are not allowed to drive, swim, wear skin-exposing outfits, vote or even read certain magazines or journals considered ungodly or not conforming to the Islamic code of morality. One of the women even quipped "garbage bags and Ninja turtles" when referring to the cover-it-all black outfit they are usually forced to wear. 

Icheoku does not know about these women but if Icheoku were to be similarly situated, it would have been an immediate Usain Bolt out of the kingdom or a total exit from this planet earth if earth's boundaries are as circumscribed by the drawn map of Saudi Arabia. Why begin the hell experience so early while still here on earth, since it is an assured destination for more than 99.9% of human beings anyway, one may ask? Icheoku surmises that it is a factor of these women being brain-washed and brain-dead  not to know that the ultimate goal of these religious mullahs is to keep them controllable and under control. An objective these mullahs readily achieve by meting the ultimate brutality on these women, including separating their heads from their shoulders as well as stoning or chopping off of body parts, just to make their statement and make it loud and clear. So with maximum fear instilled in these Saudi Arabia women, it becomes very easy for those domineering chauvinistic Saudi Arabian males to have their way. 

Icheoku says the worst of this this situation is that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with such high human rights violations and punishing brutality on their citizens, still enjoys a very cozy relationship with America and the rest of the West, leaving many critics pondering what manner of double standards this indeed really is. But hey, those women should wake up and smell the coffee that  lean freedom is better than fat slavery; and all those things they are festooned with are merely used to purchase their docility and do something to free themselves from this slavish bondage. How can any human being live like caged animals with no freedoms in this 21st century app-world?

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