Thursday, August 6, 2015


Icheoku says the vetting for the 2016 presidency of the United States of America has just begun, with the Republican Party marshaling ten of its wanna-be presidential candidates to audition for the right to fly the party's flag in the November 2016 presidential election against the Democratic Party. The debate was overall interesting but lacked the hyped fireworks generated by the anticipation of a bare-knuckle fight amongst these candidates, especially against the pre-debate leading candidate Donald Trump. Icheoku would rather the organizers of he debate at least had a woman-candidate among them, just like they had a black candidate for sensitivity reason. 

Icheoku says one of the finest things about America is its presidential democracy, particularly the manner and process that paves the road traveled to get to the White House. Like American Idol's auditioning, American presidential debates is always very fascinating, especially at this early intra-party stage watching all these men who want to fly their party's flag in the coming election and eventually become the CEO of the United States of America. A matter made more interesting because only one of these men would become the candidate, admitted it does not automatically guarantee the coveted seat. 

The election is not until November 2016 but the process has since begun and has now begun with every seriousness.  Icheoku will stay tuned as usual and hopefully until the conclusion of the process on the second Tuesday of November 2016. Watching the debate however, Icheoku will like the eventual Republican Party's ticket to include Ohio Governor John Richard Kasich, either as the candidate or the vice presidential candidate. He is from Ohio, a battle ground state that is always very determinative in who becomes the president of the United States of America. He is also a seasoned politician and seems to have a grasp of virtually all the issues that makes an American president, great and very presidential - apparently in charge and in control. So with such gravitas, such ticket will give any Democratic Party's ticket a fight for their money. So with that said, let the campaign now begin.

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