Friday, July 10, 2015


Icheoku says if only the Islamic Republic of Iran is smart enough to know that the present opportunity presented at the ongoing nuclear negotiation with the West is a once in a life opportunity that should be grasped with both hands, they would have since done the needful and put their pen on the paper sealing the deal. A great risk which President Barack Obama is taking and against all odds, especially a stiff opposition by the Jewish State of Israel and a United States of America congress which is literally in Tel Aviv's pocket, negotiating what would be literally the mother of all negotiations to end the continuing tension in the Middle East and years of no real diplomatic relationship with the West. So why is the Islamic republic holding out or rather stretching this talk and needlessly trying to sabotage an opportunity of a lifetime which if it goes might never surface again. 

Icheoku says only a non-white president of the United States of America could bravely go up against such entrenched Zionist's interest to keep Iran permanently isolated; and therefore a thinking Iran must as a matter of urgency not allow this presented window to be shut on its face, not now that so many things are this close to being realized. This Iranian nuclear deal is a great opportunity that will also normalize their relationship with the West, a relationship which has been on ice or rather on tundra frost for so many decades since that 1973 hostage taking at American embassy in Tehran. It is an opportunity worth taking now while a president who is not entirely beholden to the wishes of the state of Israel still sits in the Oval office. Icheoku laments that the Iranians are still dragging this thing out and you ask for what purpose or eventual end and conclusion? A deal they should have since accepted on its surface and then consequent thereof, ask for some periodic tweaking as their implementations come alive. But unfortunately world politics is not that easy as so many vested interests particularly President Vladimir Putin's Russia, is flexing its muscles and through back channels encouraging Iranian obstinacy and never landing on this deal. Icheoku is emphatic that but for President Putin's encouragement and arm twisting, Iran would have since put pen on the paper on this nuclear deal that has severally reached set deadlines with new ones set but which never gets to conclusively seal it. 

But hey, like with everything else, talks or diplomacy does have a shelf line. Icheoku prays the Iranians would realize this inevitable fact and strike while the deal is still hot and available or forever regret missing such a golden opportunity presented to them while a president named Barack Hussein Obama still presides at the White House. Icheoku knows for a fact that there are so many people in the United States congress as well as opinion leaders and leaders of industry and some other world leaders who wish this deal is never reached because they are beholden to Israel and wants to do what will please Bibi Netanyahu, the chief antagonist of any deal with Iran. But while President Obama still can, pushing back so the avalanche of pressure from this anti-deal quarters, Iran should do the needful and sign this deal. They should put an end to all these their puerile standoff which is not in their best interest and sign the deal  without any further ado, delay, hesitation or needless shifting of goalpost or making unattainable demands. Icheoku therefore calls on the authorities in Tehran, particularly the Ayatollah, to sign off on this deal and authorize for the deal to be signed. It is in the interest of world peace and the people of Iran who have waited since 1973 to be fully assimilated back to the world community and cease being seen as pariahs or untouchable lepers that this deal is reached and signed now. Unlike Bibi Netanyahu who condemns any deal as bad deal and said that a no-deal is better than a bad deal, Icheoku counters that any deal over the nuclear ambition of the Iranians is better than a deal not being reached at all; as any grey areas could be tweaked later. So Iranians, do the needful, sign the deal NOW.

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