Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Icheoku says a sure psychological victory for Iran, having held out for such a long time of two years plus, with several extensions and still came out with most of their positions in tact? From demanding that Iran "eliminate" all nuclear activities to now accepting that Iran can "limit" their nuclear activities. This is what earning one's feathers really looks like as many other similarly situated countries would have since capitulated and surrendered. But Iran, faced down by all the world powers, did not cave in to fear, or intimidation or threats; they did not capitulate but maintained their grounds till the very end and got an outcome of their choosing, one might argue? They earned some respect, exactly what any country entitled to their sovereignty needs, but not sympathy. 

For assenting to this agreement and coming out unbloodied, Icheoku congratulates the Islamic Republic of Iran for finally turning the corner in their effort to mend relationship with the West. President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry led negotiation team also earned Icheoku's commendations for patiently putting up with Iranian constantly shifting of the goalposts and accommodating all the curve-balls thrown their way by pro-Israeli groups to derail the negotiation, including aborting it entirely. Icheoku alongside the entire excited world hopes that a new chapter has been opened with this nuclear deal between Washington DC and Tehran; geared towards finally reestablishing diplomatic relationship between the two countries. If not, why not; as this will help heal old wounds as well as help damper the so many hot spots around the Middle East and the Arabian peninsular. Icheoku says congratulations to all the parties that midwifed the deal to   fruition. Well done for a job well done and the deal is done and finally here. What a relief.

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