Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Icheoku says President Muhammadu Buhari got it right with the appointment of Major General TY Buratai as the new Chief of Army Staff (COAS). A man with his resume` is what the Nigerian army needs at this infamous juncture in the war against Boko Haram. He did it in Niger Delta and Insha Allah will do it again in Northeastern Nigeria infested Boko Haram hotbed. This is exactly what putting a round peg in a round hole looks like; a perfect fit for an army fighting a fight of their life against an amorphous insurgency that seems to have the proverbial cat's nine lives. He is a solder and he will fight to win the war, no politics. For so long have Nigerians heard about a Boko Haram that is on the throes of their last life and for that many times have they miraculously rose from their ashes, become more invigorated and more devastating a fighting force. But finally this pick will seal their fate and whatever happens thence from will be the true testament as to the correct position of things in the war effort against Boko Haram. 

Icheoku is not a fan of President Muhammadu Buhari and has neither repented; but gives him every prop for making this very appointment because TY (not the Danjuma's) will get the job done this time. Icheoku had previously lamented that a political army or rather a politicized army or one with an agenda has been in charge with confronting Boko Haram all these years since the inception of the insurgency; except for the little window when General Ihejirika was put in charge until his thoughtless firing by President Goodluck Jonathan just because Governor Nyako demanded it? But with this particular appointment, a soldiers' soldier has been put in charge of soldiers and Nigerians will now witness how wars are fought battle by battle until it is finally won and conclusively shall it be won under Major General Buratai, what a name! Two good factors working in this guy's favor are the two languages which he speaks - the local language of Kanuri, being the majority of Boko Haram recruitment and catchment area language and secondary, the language of violence and he dishes it out in quantum and not in half measure. 

Icheoku says a soldier has only one job - to destroy. They are not nation builders nor mother Theresas and this is how Icheoku would like the Nigerian war effort against Boko Haram insurgency repositioned. There should be only one option for these marauders, surrender or be destroyed and not even war prisoners should be entertained this time, not any longer. Enough of this banditry and hostage taking of Northeastern Nigeria by these bunch of heartless killers who are even killing Muslims right inside mosques; yet they claim to be Muslims? 

Icheoku is very optimistic that Major General TY Buratai is the man to do the job and he will do it excellently well. He should  probably start by declaring every part of Northeast a war zone and ban all media coverage of the area until the house is totally and completely cleaned of these imbeciles. General TY is not a political soldier like some of these potbelly soldiers of the past whose hands were tied by interests and could not get the job done. He is a man with proven ability and whose credentials of being 'a can do it 'guy speaks volume. A Kanuri from Borno state, he was the commander of the Boko Haram multinational joint task force headquartered in Ndjamena, Chad before his appointment. He once served as commander of Nigerian Army’s 2nd Brigade, Port Harcourt with direct supervision over the Joint Task Force fighting Niger Delta insurgence.  He was once  the commander of Nigerian Army School of Infantry, Jaji, Kaduna State. He has two master’s degrees – one in history and onein philosophy. So he can think and he can fight; a good asset.

Icheoku also commends the appointment of the new National Security Adviser Babagana Monguno and says a would be chief security officer of Nigeria with his vast experience in intelligence matters is a sure good fit for the job. A retired Major General, also a Kanuri from Borno state, Babagana (not the Kingibe's) held several command and staff appointments including during his service years including: commander, Guards Brigade; deputy commandant, National Defence College; chief of defence intelligence; chief of defence logistics; and commander, Training and Doctrine Command. He is an architect. Icheoku says a security adviser should be someone knowledgeable with gathering intelligence and this guy comes highly qualified; unlike the other guy whom Jonathan picked simply because he is from a royal family without more.

In summation therefore, Icheoku commends this two particular appointments as well made. President Muhammadu Buhari got both right and very right indeed. Icheoku says if any two good heads can liberate Nigerians from the scourge of Boko Haram and put a final full stop to their madness as well as contain other insecurities in the country, these two fine officers will get the job done. They can and they will and their credentials attest to this affirmation. Both men are from Borno State, the epicenter of Boko Haramism and would not tolerate any further desecration  of their land by these jackals. Both also speak the native language of Kanuri as well as the language of violence. Both are Army Generals and cannot afford to turn tails, fleeing before these reckless criminals and murderers and on their very own turf - they own the land and not these Boko Haram munchkins. Therefore President Muhammadu Buhari has by this very unique appointments, given Nigerians reason to hope again and that in the war against Boko Haram, Nigerians will see the light at the end of the tunnel. With this appointments PMB has affirmed that defeating Boko Haram is a task that must be accomplished; and if ever it is doable, this duo will get it done. Congratulations PMB, Buratai and Mungono and let Boko Haram now see hell.

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