Monday, July 6, 2015


Icheoku says a man who swore that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and challenged anyone with emphatic proof to the contrary is capable of any other horrendous verbiage. Therefore Icheoku is not surprised when the racist white pig, Donald Trump, once again put his foot in his mouth, disparaging Mexican immigrants as no good dead-enders. He has said and done worse things before and being the reddest of the rednecks walking the face of America will say and do more heinous things in the future. 

A man who claimed that he employs many blacks and Hispanics as janitors and security guards in his businesses and you wonder are this people only good for such lowly employment? A man who said that if black people claim that their life don't matter in America or that they are being shafted, they should move back to Africa and there start killing themselves? A man who claimed that immigration in America should be restricted to European migrants only and not to all those Africans and Mexicans?  Icheoku knows what a racist Donald Trump is; so the latest Mexican sewage only goes to consolidate his hold to the title of a pin-head racist white pig who does not see anything good with people of color being admitted into America while wishing that those of them already here be shipped back to where they came from. 

However, if only Donald Trump was a good student of history, especially his own peculiar history of white peoples advent into America, he would have known that there is some wisdom in the kettle not calling the pot black.  A past history of his which saw thousands of Europe's worst decrepitude persons being banished from the mainland and shipped to the new found land. Bands of bandits comprising of murderers, rapists, armed robbers, child molesters and other manners of bestial people who Europe deemed as unwanted and not fit or worthy of cohabiting the same real estate with and shipped them off and out. These were the original European immigrants to America and they came without visas nor authorizing credentials from Native American Indians, the true owners of the land.These were the people that Donald Trump descended from; the people who sired Donald Trump's generations past, the people whose bloodline Donald Trump inherited and which he is still passing on to his own offsprings and offsprings' offsprings. 

So Icheoku asks is this a case of a former slave now calling the new slaves names simply because his memory is now faint as to his own shared historical past? It is the height of idiocy for such a man whose forebears  shared the same fate as the new immigrants arriving from across the southern border, to so foul-mouth the new arrivees; admitted his own peculiar experience was many hundred years ago. So let all decent people make Donald Trump pay and as a starting point, Icheoku has destroyed all Donald Trump's ties and shirts previously owned and possessed by Icheoku and suggests that everybody who felt violated by what sewage sipped out of Donald Trump's mouth follow suit. Icheoku's further pledges not to spend a dim again on anything Donald Trump until a full mea culpa is made by him, recanting all his despicable past disparaging attacks especially his latest broad-brushing of an entire civilization as criminals. 

What or who gave Donald Trump the right to have a say on who enters or does not enter America since he is not an Indian but a descendant of once illegal migrants himself. Icheoku is emphatic that all undocumented immigrants on Mayflower and years before that who entered America without the authorization of Native Americans are as illegal as immigrants who are currently jumping fences on the southern border. Therefore Donald Trump lacks the moral authority to upbraid or disparage Hispanics following the example of his own ancestors and now coming to America. 

What a huge joke this fat white pig is that thinks that he stands any chance in hell whatsoever in present day America inching his way to the White House. Luckily some still decent people and corporations in America, who felt similarly violated by what oozed out of Donald Trump's mouth have condemned him and are now forcing the wheels off his economic wagon. NBC, NASCAR, MACY'S, UNIVISION, TELEVISA,  FAROUK SYSTEMS, RABBIT CERVECERIA, ORA TV and SERTA have all severed ties with Donald Trump and Icheoku hopes others will follow suit to make the kitchen too hot for Donald and force him to apologize. It is indeed quite regrettable when these sons of privileged white background deride other people without any whiff of circumspection whatsoever. What Donald Trump said sure did cross every line of decency, matter of fact speaking; and is condemnable and should be condemned by all and is here condemned by Icheoku as very repulsive.

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