Thursday, July 16, 2015


Icheoku says how does one fight an embedded enemy within or should America now be forced to adopt racist pig Donald Trump's solution and like 'all those no do good Mexicans', similarly deport every Muslim in America back to the Middle East and wherever the heck they came from? Unfortunately, these Muslims are in their millions and effectively deporting them will be an unattainable task despite what Donald Trump wants anyone to believe; otherwise Donald Trump might see his wish come through this time around with the Muslim induced terror in Tennessee? But acting the devil's advocate, Icheoku queries, if these Muslims are to be deported to their Muslim enclaves of origin, how about those white people who nurture domestic terrorism or who have similarly terrorized Americans? Would they be equally deported to wherever the heck they came from in order to stop them from carrying out any future acts of terrorism? 

Anyway, it is rather very unfortunate that a guy who literally grew up in the United States of America, having migrated to America with his parents and three sisters when he was very young; attended high school and university in America where he obtained an electrical engineering degree could now turn into a domestic terrorist of the worst kind. But indoctrination is a very powerful aphrodisiac and once immersed in, the end always turns out to be very disastrous. That this killer was a Muslim did not help matters as it furthers the narrative and stereotyping; otherwise a bad person is a bad person regardless of religion or color of their skin. The killer left two memorable quotes:- "My name causes National Security alerts, what does yours do?"  and "Life is short and bitter." Icheoku says regrettably he acted out the alert which his name triggers and at 24 years old, he lived a very short and now apparently bitter life too. What a jerk.

Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, a naturalized American of Jordanian origin killed four Marines, wounded three other persons before losing his own life in the process in Chattanooga Tennessee. Another gun violence incident of domestic terrorism on American soil, but this time with Islamic fervor; and begging the question, any solution at sight? As far as Icheoku is concerned, until NRA becomes more rational and decides to do something about the easy availability of guns in America, these senseless shootings will never end. Until then, the killing field that is America will continue to gobble her citizens, thanks to plentiful cuckoos and easy access to weapons. Today these four Marines are gone, victims of another senseless killings by another deranged American who happened to be also a Muslim; thus leaving Icheoku channeling Donald Trump whether the Muslim world is equally exporting or rather dumping their lowest of the lows and worst of the worse on America, just like  Mexico who need to be deported. May their souls rest in peace.

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