Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Icheoku is just wondering if anyone else has noticed the increased acceleration in aging of President Muhammadu Buhari ever since his swearing in into office? The president has physically and very dramatically too, added extra few years to his already very advanced old age since that May 29th, 2015, when he took the mantle of leadership in Nigeria. Icheoku says this apparent transmutation to somewhat a ghostly apparition from his campaign image, gives credence to the school of thought that had it that PMB was undergoing Botox treatment during the last election campaign, the reason he looked rather somewhat more youthful and very energized then than he really should be. Now that the rigors of office has held him down with no time to jet out to his cosmetic surgeons for follow-up treatments, his real age is beginning to creep in and unto him. Like the She in Sir H Rider Haggard classic novel 'SHE, the history of adventure,' who shriveled after taking a second fire-bath, the president has indeed now begin to truly look his age, suddenly turning into a shriveled old man before our own very eyes and it clearly shows. 
Icheoku asks will a very restive Nigerian people afford to patiently wait as their very old president fights the agonies of old age and accept the slow speed at which he will preside over the country, if his inability to name his ministers almost four weeks since being sworn is any indicator? Icheoku says only time will tell but it sure does not look good nor gives anyone reason to be hopeful that his pace will later pick up if ever. But hey, Nigerians swallowed the fraud that was a campaign of change and they will have to live with their decision's consequences. Even the president himself, it would seem, is beginning to regret his action to seek the office of the president at such a very advanced old age. Now he is lamenting that his very old age might be in the way of his trying to be the best president he can be and for which Nigerians voted for him. Icheoku however wishes PMB all the best and urges him not to ever hesitate to resign or abdicate from office if he feels he cannot do it any more or that the demands of the presidency is rather too daunting for his now old frail sinews. 

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